Ms. Filgueira Recognized as FCPS Cares of the Month Recipient!

May FCPS Cares Region 5 Recipient

By Department of Human Resources
September 13, 2019
an fcps cares celebration from lees corner elementary school
Ms. Maria Filgueira (right) with Principal Veronica Sloan at her FCPS Cares celebration!

Congratulations to Maria Filgueira on being recognized as the May 2019 FCPS Cares Recipient of the Month for Region 6 by the Department of Human Resources. Congratulations, Ms. Filgueira!

Below is the write up submitted by a Lees Corner ES parent.

Ms. Filgueira goes above and beyond so often that I am not sure I can write it all down. She runs Blizzards Market, a school store staffed by special education and General Education students. It is a wonderful program; not only loved by the entire school but one which also promotes inclusion and life skills. This year her special education students requested real cash registers so she raised funds to make it a reality. She is currently spearheading a walk-in-my-shoes program to promote school-wide awareness of special education students’ daily challenges. Her efforts include grant writing, collaborating with staff and parents, customizing activities for LCES, designing promotional materials, purchasing supplies and more. She organized amazing class-based instruction trips customized for special education students. She worked with the administration to plan an alternative field trip because so many of the special education students cannot tolerate a long bus ride. Even her classroom is filled with handmade sensory toys, creative art projects, and wonderful bulletin boards which all show she cares deeply about her students. She is willing to think outside the box and find successful teaching strategies to fit each and every student. If she sees something is not working for a student, she tries a new strategy. Despite her years of experience, she is eager to learn about new information, ideas, teaching strategies and programs related to autism. She is constantly looking for ways to promote inclusion at LCES and make it an amazing place for everyone.