About Us

Learn about Lees Corner Elementary!


Meet Lees Corner's Administrative Team.

Bell Schedule

View our daily bell schedule and office hours.

Boundary Locator

Identify which Fairfax County Public Schools and Advanced Academic elementary and middle school Centers serve a particular address.

Direction to Lees Corner ES

Input your location and recieve directions to our school

Get Involved

From becoming a volunteer to making a donation learn how to get involved and support the work being done at Lees Corner ES.


Discover the history of Lees Corner ES.

Mission, Vision, Core Beliefs & Values

View mission, vision, core beliefs and values that guide our school's practices.  


Get information on how to begin the student registration process.

School Innovation and Improvement Plan

View our outcome goals for this academic year..

School Profile

Identify key information about Lees Corner ES including contact information, special programs offered, recent test score data, and basic statistics, such as enrollment and staffing.

Staff Directory

Search for the email contact information of any Lees Corner staff member.

Lees Corner ES is a part of Region 5