Early Dismissal at 12:35 P.M.

GovDelivery1 day 18 hours ago

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Early Dismissal at 12:35 P.M.

All Fairfax County public schools and offices will close three hours early today.

Lees Corner will dismiss at 12:35 p.m. Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on X @Lees_Corner_ES to see posts with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

LCES Updates 2/7/24 This Week's Updates

GovDelivery5 days 11 hours ago

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Author Visit: Ms. Ada-Ari

On Thursday, we welcomed author, Ms. Ada-Ari. Thanks to the support of the PTA, students enjoyed storytelling and learning about the culture of Ghana!  Through storytelling, song, and dance, it was an exciting and engaging time for students.

In This Week's LCES NYC: What's Happening at LCES?!
  • Photos of the Week
  • Virginia Kindness Spirit Week
  • Upcoming Holiday/Observances
  • Student Voices at Family Summit
  • Chantilly Strings Day 2025
  • Franklin Band & Orchestra Camp 2025
  • Kindergarten Registration 
  • PTA News
Photos of the Week 📸 Virginia Kindness Spirit Week: February 10-14

What is Virginia Kindness Week?

The purpose of Kindness Week is to recognize that simple day-to-day acts of kindness enable our schools, communities, and state to be a kinder, safer, healthier, and more inclusive place to live, work, learn, and play. We invite students and staff to participate in our Virginia Kindness Spirit Week and encourage all to complete the Kindness Challenge Idea Bank linked in the Spirit Week Flyer.

Upcoming Holidays/Observances

Black History Month is an annual celebration of achievements by African Americans and a time for recognizing their central role in U.S. history.Learn more about the heritage months, celebrations, and traditions celebrated in FCPS. Learn more about Black History month.

FCPS’ Chief Equity Office invites the community to an Inaugural Black History Month Kickoff Celebration on Wednesday, February 19, 5:30-7:30 p.m., at Carter G. Woodson High School.   

The event begins with a light reception followed by a formal program, From the Threads of Our Past to the Fabric of Our Future. The program will honor the enduring contributions of Black history and culture while envisioning a future rooted in equity and excellence. It will include inspiring performances, personal stories, reflections, and opportunities to connect and celebrate. The event is open to the entire community. 

For more information, contact Nina Thomas, senior manager for Professional Learning and Cultural Responsiveness.

By enrolling in a Career and Technical Education (CTE) course or program, students learn the technical applications of many occupations while preparing for higher education or entry-level employment. A core program of CTE courses is offered in every middle and high school including Business and Information Technology, Family and Consumer Sciences, Health and Medical Sciences, Marketing, Technology and Engineering Education, and Trade and Industrial Education. Since this is an elective, course offerings may vary by school. Learn more on the FCPS CTE webpage

CTE also offers summer programs for students to explore their programs. Enroll now!

February 3-7 is National School Counseling Week, and highlights the tremendous impact school counselors have in helping students achieve academic success and planning for a career. School counselors work with students in a variety of different capacities, whether it is through classroom lessons, group sessions, or individual counseling.

We are so grateful to have amazing school counselors at LCES! Thank you to Ms. Spears and Ms. Polite for always being there for our students, staff, and families

Learn more about the role of school counselors in FCPS.

  • February 17 - Washington's Brithday/President's Day (No School)
  • February 24 - Early Release Monday/Dismissal at 12:35pm - Find more information on early release Mondays at this LINK.

See the full school year calendar at this link.

Students Invited to Share Their Voices at the 2025 Family Summit

The 2025 FCPS Family Summit will take place on Saturday, March 15, at South Lakes High School. Visit the Family Summit webpage for more information. 

At the event, FCPS students will be invited to showcase projects and advocacy efforts around inclusivity in schools. This is a great resume-building opportunity, and students can earn service hours as well. Students may share their work in a share-fair environment using posters, essays, videos, songs, or art. They will interact with attendees through conversations about their work, ideas, and efforts to foster inclusivity in school communities. 

Students must use this Google Form to participate by Monday, February 17. A list of possible projects is also on the form. More information will be provided after the student’s submission is received. Please contact Manuel Gomez Portillo with any questions. 

✨ Centering student voice is part of FCPS’ Strategic Plan Goal 2: Safe, Supported, Included, and Empowered. 

Chantilly Strings Day 2025

Chantilly's annual Strings Day, held on Wednesday, January 29th was a vibrant celebration of music and talent, bringing together young string musicians from across the region. Among the many impressive performers, students from Lees Corner Elementary School stood out with their exceptional skill and enthusiasm. Chantilly Strings Day 2025 was a resounding success, fostering a love of music in young people and showcasing the incredible talent of students like those from Lees Corner Elementary. 

Franklin Band & Orchestra Camp 2025 CALLING ALL FUTURE POLAR BEARS

Do you have a rising Kindergartner? Lees Corner ES is currently enrolling for the 2025-2026 school year.

If you have a child who will be five years old by September 30, 2025, please complete the Kindergarten and New Student Information Form or contact Jill Boddie, Registrar, at [email protected] or 703-227-3500.   

For more information on registration requirements please visit Registration Info..

General kindergarten information can be found at Kindergarten Info.

We would appreciate your assistance in sharing this information with neighbors who have preschool children or who are new to the area. 

PTA News 6th Grade Basketball T-Shirt Design Contest

Be a part of Lees Corner history by designing our 2025 6th Grade basketball game t-shirt!  Students from all grades can enter.

One winning design will be selected by the 6th grade class and the winner will receive a free t-shirt!


  • Must include the words “Lees Corner” and the year “2025”
  • Design is for the front of the t-shirt only
  • Avoid fine detail
  • If submitting a hand drawing, use pencil or black marker on white paper no larger than 8.5x11”
  • Digital designs are acceptable and should be printed on 8.5x11” paper to be submitted.  Save your digital file
  • Write your name and your teacher’s name on the back of your submission
  • Multiple designs may be submitted
  • The final design may have a maximum of 2 colors


Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on X @Lees_Corner_ES to see posts with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

LCES Updates 1/31/24 This Week's Updates

GovDelivery1 week 5 days ago

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Principal's Message

Lees Corner Families, 

We are so grateful to partner with you in support of our students and school community. Please know that we value you, your students, and families. Our school staff remain committed to creating a warm and welcoming environment where your students will continue to thrive!

As you know, our school is undergoing a significant renovation project to enhance our school facility. This website contains the plans for Lees Corner’s renovation and is updated when new information is available. While this project is an exciting step forward, we understand that it will require patience, flexibility, and adaptability from everyone involved.

This week, a few classes transitioned into new spaces within the building. On Thursday, a few students experienced their new classrooms. We also have transitioned Art and AART to new spaces. Staff will be sharing updated pictures of these new spaces with you soon.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue this renovation journey together!

VaRonica Sloan, Principal

Jennifer Hutchinson, Assistant Principal

In This Week's LCES NYC: What's Happening at LCES?!
  • Photos of the Week
  • Upcoming Holiday/Observances
  • LCES Parent Coffee
  • Chantilly Band Day 2025
  • Virginia Kindness Spirit Week
  • Kindergarten Registration 
  • STEAM Collecting Recycled Materials
  • PTA News
  • 2025 Spring After School Enrichment Programs
Photos of the Week 📸 Upcoming Holidays/Observances
  • February 17 - Washington's Brithday/President's Day (No School)
  • February 24 - Early Release Monday/Dismissal at 12:35pm - Find more information on early release Mondays at this LINK.

See the full school year calendar at this link.

LCES Parent Coffee Chantilly Band Day 2025

On Wednesday Jan 25th, our 6th grade Band students had the opportunity to participate in “Chantilly Band Day” at Franklin MS. There, our Lees Corner students worked with elementary and middle school band directors in the Chantilly pyramid and collaborated with over 150 elementary students from Greenbriar West, Greenbriar East, Poplar Tree, Oak Hill, Navy, Waples Mill and Brookfield elementary schools along with some Franklin MS, Rocky Run MS and CHS student volunteers. Mrs. Hill helped to facilitate the event and was very pleased with the work our students accomplished. In one day, our students learned new music and performed that music for families in our community. Thank you to all the families who attended this event. We look forward to next year’s “Chantilly Band Day”! 

Virginia Kindness Spirit Week: February 10-14

What is Virginia Kindness Week?

The purpose of Kindness Week is to recognize that simple day-to-day acts of kindness enable our schools, communities, and state to be a kinder, safer, healthier, and more inclusive place to live, work, learn, and play. We invite students and staff to participate in our Virginia Kindness Spirit Week and encourage all to complete the Kindness Challenge Idea Bank linked in the Spirit Week Flyer.


Do you have a rising Kindergartner? Lees Corner ES is currently enrolling for the 2025-2026 school year.

If you have a child who will be five years old by September 30, 2025, please complete the Kindergarten and New Student Information Form or contact Jill Boddie, Registrar, at [email protected] or 703-227-3500.   

For more information on registration requirements please visit Registration Info..

General kindergarten information can be found at Kindergarten Info.

We would appreciate your assistance in sharing this information with neighbors who have preschool children or who are new to the area. 

STEAM Collecting Recycled Materials

As we begin various STEAM challenges, we are collecting recycled materials. If you have any of the following items to donate, please send them with your child. Students can drop off the materials at the STEAM room at any time during school. Thank you in advance for your support!

- Flattened cereal boxes

- Clean plastic water bottles

- Plastic bottle caps (any size)

- Clean plastic bags

- Clean plastic fruit/vegetable containers 

- Cardboard tubes (any size)

PTA News 6th Grade Basketball T-Shirt Design Contest

Be a part of Lees Corner history by designing our 2025 6th Grade basketball game t-shirt!  Students from all grades can enter.

One winning design will be selected by the 6th grade class and the winner will receive a free t-shirt!


  • Must include the words “Lees Corner” and the year “2025”
  • Design is for the front of the t-shirt only
  • Avoid fine detail
  • If submitting a hand drawing, use pencil or black marker on white paper no larger than 8.5x11”
  • Digital designs are acceptable and should be printed on 8.5x11” paper to be submitted.  Save your digital file
  • Write your name and your teacher’s name on the back of your submission
  • Multiple designs may be submitted
  • The final design may have a maximum of 2 colors


2025 Spring After School Enrichment Programs

**Programs are at the school from 3:45 to 4:45pm

**SACC kids will go from class to the club and back to SACC

**Please Note** Every effort has been made to take into account early release days and holidays as well as school functions; however, our school is under ongoing construction and dates may change or cancel due to this construction.  Your patience is appreciated.





  • OTA Fast Break Basketball Grades K-6


Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on X @Lees_Corner_ES to see posts with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

Fun Fit Friday Cancelled This Morning

GovDelivery1 week 5 days ago

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Fun Fit Friday Cancelled This Morning

Due to the upcoming rainy weather forecast, Fun Fit Friday will be cancelled today, January 31st. We are hopeful to resume Fun Fit Friday next week!  Thank you for your understanding.

Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on X @Lees_Corner_ES to see posts with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

No School Tomorrow

GovDelivery2 weeks 1 day ago

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No School Tomorrow

January 29th - Lunar New Year.

FCPS has designated Lunar New Year as a religious and cultural observance day. This year, Lunar New Year falls at quarter end which is tomorrow, Wednesday, January 29. The day will be a teacher work day and there will be no school for students.

Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on X @Lees_Corner_ES to see posts with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

LCES Updates 1/24/24 This Week's Updates

GovDelivery2 weeks 5 days ago

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In This Week's LCES NYC: What's Happening at LCES?!
  • Photos of the Week
  • Upcoming Holiday/Observances
  • Lees Corner Special Olympics
  • Kindergarten Registration 
  • STEAM Collecting Recycled Materials
  • Keep Your Child Warm During Outdoor Activities
  • PTA News
  • 2025 Spring After School Enrichment Programs
  • Join the Eco Team
Photos of the Week 📸 Upcoming Holidays/Observances

January 29th - Lunar New Year.

FCPS has designated Lunar New Year as a religious and cultural observance day. This year, Lunar New Year falls at quarter end on Wednesday, January 29. The day will be a teacher work day and there will be no school for students.

Lees Corner Special Olympics This Saturday!

Please join us in supporting our students at the Special Olympics Basketball game! Come cheer on our athletes and celebrate their hard work and dedication. We hope to see you there! Details are included in this flyer


Do you have a rising Kindergartner? Lees Corner ES is currently enrolling for the 2025-2026 school year.

If you have a child who will be five years old by September 30, 2025, please complete the Kindergarten and New Student Information Form or contact Jill Boddie, Registrar, at [email protected] or 703-227-3500.   

For more information on registration requirements please visit Registration Info..

General kindergarten information can be found at Kindergarten Info.

We would appreciate your assistance in sharing this information with neighbors who have preschool children or who are new to the area. 

STEAM Collecting Recycled Materials

As we begin various STEAM challenges, we are collecting recycled materials. If you have any of the following items to donate, please send them with your child. Students can drop off the materials at the STEAM room at any time during school. Thank you in advance for your support!

- Flattened cereal boxes

- Clean plastic water bottles

- Plastic bottle caps (any size)

- Clean plastic bags

- Clean plastic fruit/vegetable containers 

- Cardboard tubes (any size)

Keep Your Child Warm During Outdoor Activities

Winter weather is here! As a reminder, please make sure your child is dressed appropriately with a warm coat and other cold-weather clothing, so they can comfortably enjoy time outdoors. Schools monitor the weather for low temperatures, wind chill advisories and warnings, and weather advisories that may prevent children from being outside for activities like recess or physical education.

View Fairfax County’s Winter Weather/Extreme Cold safety tips

If you need assistance getting cold-weather clothing for your family, please contact our family liaison, Janet McFadden, at [email protected]. You may also contact Fairfax County Coordinated Services Planning (CSP) at 703-222-0880. Their multilingual staff can assist with any challenges you are facing, including food, shelter, employment, financial assistance, and health care. 

PTA News Lees Corner vs Oak Hill 6th Grade Basketball Game Volunteers Needed

We are looking for two volunteers who would be willing to join our Basketball Game committee and be the game day Spiritwear Lead and Volunteer Lead. Ideal volunteers are parents of 5th graders and below so that 6th grade parents can watch their kids play! Interested volunteers should email the PTA at [email protected].

6th Grade Basketball T-Shirt Design Contest

Be a part of Lees Corner history by designing our 2025 6th Grade basketball game t-shirt!  Students from all grades can enter.

One winning design will be selected by the 6th grade class and the winner will receive a free t-shirt!


  • Must include the words “Lees Corner” and the year “2025”
  • Design is for the front of the t-shirt only
  • Avoid fine detail
  • If submitting a hand drawing, use pencil or black marker on white paper no larger than 8.5x11”
  • Digital designs are acceptable and should be printed on 8.5x11” paper to be submitted.  Save your digital file
  • Write your name and your teacher’s name on the back of your submission
  • Multiple designs may be submitted
  • The final design may have a maximum of 2 colors


January Sponsored Indoor Play Date THIS SUNDAY!

This FREE event is open to all LCES families (not just PTA members), so bring the whole crew!

 When: Sunday 01/26 2pm-3pm

 Where: The nZone (14550 Lee Rd. Chantilly, VA)

 Sign Up: To ensure your spot in case we reach occupancy limits. 


To make the playdate even more fun, children are encouraged to bring toys to share with their peers! Please note that this is not a drop-off event—parents must stay with their children—and it will also be a snack-free event, so plan accordingly.

2025 Spring After School Enrichment Programs

**Programs are at the school from 3:45 to 4:45pm

**SACC kids will go from class to the club and back to SACC

**Please Note** Every effort has been made to take into account early release days and holidays as well as school functions; however, our school is under ongoing construction and dates may change or cancel due to this construction.  Your patience is appreciated.





  • OTA Fast Break Basketball Grades K-6


Join the Eco Team!

Join the Eco Team!  Help to plan the environmental agenda for our school.  We will be carrying out conservation activities for our school.  We meet on Mondays at in the 5-6 pod from 3:45-4:30, starting on January 27 and going through April 21 (not on early release days).  This activity is for grades 2-6 and it is FREE.  For questions, contact Jennifer Wagner at [email protected].  Please sign up here: https://forms.gle/x7e3jypZRbtpK6Gr6

Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on X @Lees_Corner_ES to see posts with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

FFF Cancelled & Special Olympics Saturday!

GovDelivery2 weeks 6 days ago

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Fun Fit Friday Canceled Tomorrow

Due to the frigid temperatures this week, students have not been able to participate in outdoor activities. In this case,  Fun Fit Friday will be canceled again tomorrow. We are hopeful that with the prediction of warmer temperatures next week, we will be able to resume Fun Fit Friday!

Lees Corner Special Olympics This Saturday!

Please join us in supporting our students at the Special Olympics Basketball game! Come cheer on our athletes and celebrate their hard work and dedication. We hope to see you there! Details are included in this flyer

Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on X @Lees_Corner_ES to see posts with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

Lees Corner Special Olympics This Saturday!

GovDelivery3 weeks ago

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Lees Corner Special Olympics This Saturday!

Please join us in supporting our students at the Special Olympics Basketball game! Come cheer on our athletes and celebrate their hard work and dedication. We hope to see you there! Details are included in this flyer

Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on X @Lees_Corner_ES to see posts with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

One School, One Book

GovDelivery3 weeks 1 day ago

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One School, One Book

Beginning in early February, Lees Corner Elementary will embark on our seventh annual school-wide book club called One School, One Book. If you choose to participate, your family will receive a copy of Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library, a puzzle-ridden tale that embraces the power of teamwork. Readers will be enthralled with the magical world created within this fun-filled adventure! Please read the attached flyer for more information about the program.  

We are pleased to announce that the cost of the books will be fully funded by LCES. Please note that only one book per family can be ordered. You can place your orders via this Google form anytime or before TOMORROW, Wednesday, January 22nd!

 Here is a flyer for more details. 

Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on X @Lees_Corner_ES to see posts with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

LCES Updates 1/17/24 This Week's Updates

GovDelivery3 weeks 5 days ago

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In This Week's LCES NYC: What's Happening at LCES?!
  • Photos of the Week
  • Upcoming Holiday/Observances
  • Keep Your Child Warm During Outdoor Activities
  • SR&R and Cell Phone Policy Survey Coming Soon

  • PTA News
  • One School, One Book
  • 2025 Spring After School Enrichment Programs
  • Join the Eco Team
  • Family Math Week
Photos of the Week 📸 Upcoming Holidays/Observances

January 19th - Orthodox  Epiphany.

FCPS has designated Orthodox Epiphany as a religious and cultural observance day. There is school on this day, however specific events that cannot be made up will not be held on these observance days.

January 20th - Martin Luther King Jr. Day Holiday.

Schools and offices will be closed on Monday, January 20, for the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday.

January 29th - Lunar New Year.

FCPS has designated Lunar New Year as a religious and cultural observance day. This year, Lunar New Year falls at quarter end on Wednesday, January 29. The day will be a teacher work day and there will be no school for students.

Keep Your Child Warm During Outdoor Activities

Winter weather is here! As a reminder, please make sure your child is dressed appropriately with a warm coat and other cold-weather clothing, so they can comfortably enjoy time outdoors. Schools monitor the weather for low temperatures, wind chill advisories and warnings, and weather advisories that may prevent children from being outside for activities like recess or physical education.

View Fairfax County’s Winter Weather/Extreme Cold safety tips

If you need assistance getting cold-weather clothing for your family, please contact our family liaison, Janet McFadden, at [email protected]. You may also contact Fairfax County Coordinated Services Planning (CSP) at 703-222-0880. Their multilingual staff can assist with any challenges you are facing, including food, shelter, employment, financial assistance, and health care. 

SR&R and Cell Phone Policy Survey Coming Soon

All FCPS families and middle and high school students will be receiving an email invitation on Tuesday, January 21, to participate in a survey about FCPS’ Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R), cell phone policy, and cell phone storage options. The survey will be available from January 21 to February 3. Please take a few moments to share your feedback and help FCPS make informed, inclusive decisions for all of our schools!

PTA News Lees Corner vs Oak Hill 6th Grade Basketball Game Sign Up for the 6th Grade Basketball Team

🏀 Want to represent Lees Corner in the infamous LCES vs Oak Hill 6th grade basketball game? Students can Sign up for the 6th Grade Basketball Team here!

  • 6th graders can sign up to play basketball and play in the pep-band.
  • 5th and 6th graders can play in the pep band.
  • 4th, 5th, and 6th  graders can be in the dance/cheer pep squad; those that participate in pep-squad may not play in the game.

If you forgot to send in the paper sign up, there’s still time! Follow the above link to sign up for basketball, pep band, and pep squad. Basketball player and pep band sign ups are due tonight! Pep squad sign ups are being extended slightly until further notice.

Volunteers Needed

We are looking for two volunteers who would be willing to join our Basketball Game committee and be the game day Spiritwear Lead and Volunteer Lead. Ideal volunteers are parents of 5th graders and below so that 6th grade parents can watch their kids play! Interested volunteers should email the PTA at [email protected].

6th Grade Basketball T-Shirt Design Contest

Be a part of Lees Corner history by designing our 2025 6th Grade basketball game t-shirt!  Students from all grades can enter.

One winning design will be selected by the 6th grade class and the winner will receive a free t-shirt!


  • Must include the words “Lees Corner” and the year “2025”
  • Design is for the front of the t-shirt only
  • Avoid fine detail
  • If submitting a hand drawing, use pencil or black marker on white paper no larger than 8.5x11”
  • Digital designs are acceptable and should be printed on 8.5x11” paper to be submitted.  Save your digital file
  • Write your name and your teacher’s name on the back of your submission
  • Multiple designs may be submitted
  • The final design may have a maximum of 2 colors


January Sponsored Indoor Play Date 

This FREE event is open to all LCES families (not just PTA members), so bring the whole crew!

 When: Sunday 01/26 2pm-3pm

 Where: The nZone (14550 Lee Rd. Chantilly, VA)

 Sign Up: To ensure your spot in case we reach occupancy limits. 


To make the playdate even more fun, children are encouraged to bring toys to share with their peers! Please note that this is not a drop-off event—parents must stay with their children—and it will also be a snack-free event, so plan accordingly.

One School, One Book

Beginning in early February, Lees Corner Elementary will embark on our seventh annual school-wide book club called One School, One Book. If you choose to participate, your family will receive a copy of Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library, a puzzle-ridden tale that embraces the power of teamwork. Readers will be enthralled with the magical world created within this fun-filled adventure! Please read the attached flyer for more information about the program.  

We are pleased to announce that the cost of the books will be fully funded by LCES. Please note that only one book per family can be ordered. You can place your orders via this Google form anytime on or before Wednesday, January 22nd! Here is a flyer for more details. 

2025 Spring After School Enrichment Programs

**Programs are at the school from 3:45 to 4:45pm

**SACC kids will go from class to the club and back to SACC

**Please Note** Every effort has been made to take into account early release days and holidays as well as school functions; however, our school is under ongoing construction and dates may change or cancel due to this construction.  Your patience is appreciated.





  • OTA Fast Break Basketball Grades K-6


Join the Eco Team!

Join the Eco Team!  Help to plan the environmental agenda for our school.  We will be carrying out conservation activities for our school.  We meet on Mondays at in the 5-6 pod from 3:45-4:30, starting on January 27 and going through April 21 (not on early release days).  This activity is for grades 2-6 and it is FREE.  For questions, contact Jennifer Wagner at [email protected].  Please sign up here: https://forms.gle/x7e3jypZRbtpK6Gr6

Family Math Week

MIND Research is hosting family math week January 13 - January 17. During that time, students are encouraged to log onto the FCPS Family Math website to engage in math activities with their families at home that include stories with mathematical concepts connected to a variety of different math games from around the world. All activities are available in English and Spanish. 

To learn more about Family Math Nights check out this video. We hope that all schools will help spread the word and work collaboratively to help us reach our goal of logging on for three million minutes as an FCPS community. 

Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on X @Lees_Corner_ES to see posts with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

Fun Fit Friday Cancelled Tomorrow

GovDelivery3 weeks 6 days ago

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Fun Fit Friday Canceled Tomorrow

Due to the ongoing winter weather conditions,  Fun Fit Friday will be cancelled tomorrow, January 17th. Much of the school's blacktop areas and the F3 walking path remain covered in snow and ice, creating unsafe conditions for our students and families. We are hopeful to resume Fun Fit Friday next week!  Thank you for your understanding.

Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on X @Lees_Corner_ES to see posts with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter


GovDelivery4 weeks ago

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Our LCES PTA Dining Day is this evening at Big Buns in Franklin Farm from 4-8pm. Feel free to come on out and help support a great organization! 

Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on X @Lees_Corner_ES to see posts with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

Join Us For Our Virtual PTA Meeting Tonight!

GovDelivery4 weeks 1 day ago

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Join Us For Our Virtual PTA Meeting Tonight!

Please join us via Zoom tonight at 6:00pm. All families and staff are welcome to join. If you have any questions you'd like the PTA to bring up, please email [email protected].



Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on X @Lees_Corner_ES to see posts with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

One School, One Book

GovDelivery4 weeks 2 days ago

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One School, One Book

Beginning in early February, Lees Corner Elementary will embark on our seventh annual school-wide book club called One School, One Book. If you choose to participate, your family will receive a copy of Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library, a puzzle-ridden tale that embraces the power of teamwork. Readers will be enthralled with the magical world created within this fun-filled adventure! Please read the attached flyer for more information about the program.  

We are pleased to announce that the cost of the books will be fully funded by LCES. Please note that only one book per family can be ordered. You can place your orders via this Google form anytime on or before Wednesday, January 22nd! Here is a flyer for more details. 

Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on X @Lees_Corner_ES to see posts with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

LCES Updates 1/10/24 This Week's Updates

GovDelivery1 month ago

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Happy New Year Lees Corner!

We hope that all of you have enjoyed your Winter Break and the snow days!  We want to send out a huge thank you to our custodial team for their hard work clearing the school grounds.  We are so appreciative because we were able to safely accept students upon their return. 

We are excited to have our students back in the classroom and ready to learn. As we return, please remember that the end of the second quarter is just a few short weeks away, January 28th. We encourage you to continue to support your child's learning by reviewing their assignments, attending school events/meetings, and communicating with their teachers. Let's make the remainder of the quarter a successful one!

Mrs. Sloan and Mrs. Hutchinson

In This Week's LCES NYC: What's Happening at LCES?!
  • Photos of the Week
  • Upcoming Holiday/Observances
  • PTA News
  • Join the Eco Team
  • Family Math Week
  • Remaining Early Release Mondays
  • Chantilly Band Day
Photos of the Week 📸 Upcoming Holidays/Observances

National Mentoring Month

Imagine a world where young people feel empowered, encouraged, and understood. Mentors can make that world a reality by helping young people find and follow their passions, excel in school, and thrive wherever they are.Learn more about Mentoring Month.

Research has shown that young people with at least one trusted mentor are less likely to skip school, less likely to use illegal drugs or drink alcohol, and more prepared to enter college or the workforce. Yet one in three children lack a mentor.

All it takes is one person to serve as a trusted adult to help change a young person’s path in life. Mentors provide attention, support, and enrichment, and help connect their mentees to resources that may help them on their journey in life.

The FCPS MentorWorks program matches mentors with students in schools near where they live or work. They meet for at least 30 minutes a week. Learn more about how to become a mentor for an FCPS student. Contact Martha Macdonald, mentoring specialist, for additional information at [email protected].  

  • January 19th - Orthodox  Epiphany.  FCPS has designated Orthodox Epiphany as a religious and cultural observance day
  • January 20th - Martin Luther King Jr. Day Holiday. Schools and offices will be closed on Monday, January 20, for the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday.
  • January 29th - Lunar New Year. FCPS has designated Lunar New Year as a religious and cultural observance day. This year, Lunar New Year falls at quarter end on Wednesday, January 29. The day will be a teacher work day and there will be no school for students.
PTA News LCES PTA Dining Day

Dining Day on Wednesday 1/15 at Big Buns in Franklin Farm from 4-8pm.

Lees Corner vs Oak Hill 6th Grade Basketball Game Volunteers Needed

We are looking for two volunteers who would be willing to join our Basketball Game committee and be the game day Spiritwear Lead and Volunteer Lead. Ideal volunteers are parents of 5th graders and below so that 6th grade parents can watch their kids play! Interested volunteers should email the PTA at [email protected].

Basketball Game Sign-Up Form

Basketball Game Sign-Up Form (see attached). Deadline to sign up is 1/17. 

6th Grade Basketball T-Shirt Design Contest

Be a part of Lees Corner history by designing our 2025 6th Grade basketball game t-shirt!  Students from all grades can enter.

One winning design will be selected by the 6th grade class and the winner will receive a free t-shirt!


  • Must include the words “Lees Corner” and the year “2025”
  • Design is for the front of the t-shirt only
  • Avoid fine detail
  • If submitting a hand drawing, use pencil or black marker on white paper no larger than 8.5x11”
  • Digital designs are acceptable and should be printed on 8.5x11” paper to be submitted.  Save your digital file
  • Write your name and your teacher’s name on the back of your submission
  • Multiple designs may be submitted
  • The final design may have a maximum of 2 colors


Join the Eco Team!

Join the Eco Team!  Help to plan the environmental agenda for our school.  We will be carrying out conservation activities for our school.  We meet on Mondays at school from 3:45-4:30, starting on January 27 and going through April 21.  The room location will be emailed to participants.  This activity is for grades 2-6.  Please sign up here: https://forms.gle/x7e3jypZRbtpK6Gr6

Family Math Week

MIND Research is hosting family math week January 13 - January 17. During that time, students are encouraged to log onto the FCPS Family Math website to engage in math activities with their families at home that include stories with mathematical concepts connected to a variety of different math games from around the world. All activities are available in English and Spanish. 

To learn more about Family Math Nights check out this video. We hope that all schools will help spread the word and work collaboratively to help us reach our goal of logging on for three million minutes as an FCPS community. 

Remaining Early Release Mondays

There are 4 more Early Release Mondays this year.  Please mark your calendars for the following dates:

  • February 24
  • March 17
  • April 28
  • May 19

You will receive a confirmation email from the school the week prior to the early release.   

Chantilly Band Day

Band Parents!

Chantilly Band Day is coming!

When: Jan 29th

Time: 9:00am-1:00pm

Where: Franklin Middle Middle School

Who: All 6th grade band students in the Chantilly pyramid are invited.

Staff: FCPS Band teachers in the Chantilly pyramid, including middle and high school teachers and band student volunteers.


Sign your 6th grader before Jan 17th.  This is a drop-off event, but you MUST sign up using the link before the event.  Students will learn new music, get a free t-shirt and a free pizza lunch is provided. Parents and families are invited to a casual performance from 12:30-1:00pm where students will perform the music they learned that morning. It’s a VERY fulfilling instructional experience for these students and a great use of time on that random Wednesday teacher workday, Jan 29th. PLEASE consider signing-up your 6th grade band student. 6th graders ONLY!

(*this is an optional event* for 6th grade band students only)

Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on X @Lees_Corner_ES to see posts with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

Fun Fit Friday Cancelled Tomorrow

GovDelivery1 month ago

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Fun Fit Friday Canceled Tomorrow

Due to the delayed opening of school and snow-covered paths, we are  canceling F3 tomorrow. 

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on X @Lees_Corner_ES to see posts with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

Outstanding Staff Deadline TODAY

GovDelivery1 month ago

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Outstanding Staff Deadline TODAY

Thank you to everyone who took the time to nominate our incredible staff members for this year’s awards! We are thrilled to announce the winners for our school in the three categories:

  • Outstanding Teacher:Kristen Lynch
  • Outstanding Professional Employee:Brittany Poole
  • Outstanding Operational Employee:Matt Miller

Congratulations to these amazing individuals for their hard work and dedication to our school community! If you’d like to support our winners, you can write a letter of support. Each school’s winners will move on to the next level, where one recipient per category will be selected for our Region. Let’s rally behind and show them how much they mean to us! The deadline to submit letters of support is January 6th. 

If you have any questions, please contact Rachel Estrada at [email protected]

Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on X @Lees_Corner_ES to see posts with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

Outstanding Staff Deadline 1/6

GovDelivery1 month 1 week ago

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Outstanding Staff Deadline 1/6

Thank you to everyone who took the time to nominate our incredible staff members for this year’s awards! We are thrilled to announce the winners for our school in the three categories:

  • Outstanding Teacher:Kristen Lynch
  • Outstanding Professional Employee:Brittany Poole
  • Outstanding Operational Employee:Matt Miller

Congratulations to these amazing individuals for their hard work and dedication to our school community! If you’d like to support our winners, you can write a letter of support. Each school’s winners will move on to the next level, where one recipient per category will be selected for our Region. Let’s rally behind and show them how much they mean to us! The deadline to submit letters of support is January 6th. 

If you have any questions, please contact Rachel Estrada at [email protected]

Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on X @Lees_Corner_ES to see posts with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

LCES Updates 12/20/24 This Week's Updates

GovDelivery1 month 3 weeks ago

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A Message from the Principal

Lees Corner Families,

As the holiday season approaches and the winter break begins, we want to wish you all a wonderful and safe time with your loved ones. We encourage you to take this opportunity to relax, recharge, and spend quality time with family and friends. A special thanks to the PTA and to all who delivered special treats to help us celebrate this week!

May this break be a time of rest and rejuvenation, preparing you for a bright and successful new year. We look forward to welcoming your children back to school on Monday, January 6th!

Warmest wishes for a happy and healthy holiday season,

Mrs. Sloan and Mrs. Hutchinson

In This Week's LCES NYC: What's Happening at LCES?!
  • Photos of the Week
  • Upcoming Holiday/Observances
  • Next NYC on January 10th
  • Lees Corner Outstanding Employees
  • Family Math Week
  • Remaining Early Release Mondays
  • Chantilly Band Day
  • PTA News
Photos of the Week 📸 Upcoming Holidays/Observances

Winter Break (Student Holiday)

As a reminder, winter break will be held Monday, December 23, to Friday, January 3. The school and office will be closed during this time. To help make sure you and your children have a restful break, we have asked that no homework be assigned during this time. Teachers may assign long-range assignments in the weeks ahead of the break, allowing students to practice time management skills, but no assignments will be due immediately following the break. We look forward to welcoming students back in the new year. Classes resume on Monday, Jan. 6, 2025.

See the complete school year calendar.


A very Merry Christmas to those in our community who celebrate! Christmas is an annual holiday that commemorates the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, the person who stands at the heart of the Christian tradition. It is celebrated in many unique ways across the U.S. and the world, most commonly by the joyous giving of gifts.

Learn more about Christmas.


Chanukah, an 8-day Festival of Lights, is a Jewish holiday commemorating the rededication of the Holy Temple and the miracle of a small quantity of oil that lit the Temple’s menorah for 8 days. This year, Chanukah begins at sundown on Wednesday, December 25.

Learn more about Chanukah.

New Year's Day - January 1

🎉 Happy New Year, #FCPSFam! We look forward to seeing students and staff on Monday, January 6, 2025, when all FCPS schools and offices will reopen.

Three Kings Day/Epiphany - January 6

FCPS has designated Three Kings Day/Epiphany as a religious and cultural observance day. There is school on these days, however specific events that cannot be made up will not be held on these observance days.

Orthodox Christmas - January 7

FCPS has designated Orthodox Christmas as a religious and cultural observance day. There is school on these days, however specific events that cannot be made up will not be held on these observance days.

See the complete school year calendar.

Next NYC on January 10th

The weekly NYC will be taking a break over the holidays and will return on Friday, January 10th. 

Lees Corner Outstanding Employees

Thank you to everyone who took the time to nominate our incredible staff members for this year’s awards! We are thrilled to announce the winners for our school in the three categories:

  • Outstanding Teacher:Kristen Lynch
  • Outstanding Professional Employee:Brittany Poole
  • Outstanding Operational Employee:Matt Miller

Congratulations to these amazing individuals for their hard work and dedication to our school community! If you’d like to support our winners, you can write a letter of support and email it to Mrs. Estrada at [email protected]. Each school’s winners will move on to the next level, where one recipient per category will be selected for our Region. Let’s rally behind and show them how much they mean to us! The deadline to submit letters of support is January 6th. 

If you have any questions, please contact Rachel Estrada at [email protected]

Family Math Week

MIND Research is hosting family math week January 13 - January 17. During that time, students are encouraged to log onto the FCPS Family Math website to engage in math activities with their families at home that include stories with mathematical concepts connected to a variety of different math games from around the world. All activities are available in English and Spanish. 

To learn more about Family Math Nights check out this video. We hope that all schools will help spread the word and work collaboratively to help us reach our goal of logging on for three million minutes as an FCPS community. 

Remaining Early Release Mondays

There are 4 more Early Release Mondays this year.  Please mark your calendars for the following dates:

  • February 24
  • March 17
  • April 28
  • May 19

You will receive a confirmation email from the school the week prior to the early release.   

Chantilly Band Day

Band Parents!

Chantilly Band Day is coming!

When: Jan 29th

Time: 9:00am-1:00pm

Where: Franklin Middle Middle School

Who: All 6th grade band students in the Chantilly pyramid are invited.

Staff: FCPS Band teachers in the Chantilly pyramid, including middle and high school teachers and band student volunteers.


Sign your 6th grader before Jan 17th.  This is a drop-off event, but you MUST sign up using the link before the event.  Students will learn new music, get a free t-shirt and a free pizza lunch is provided. Parents and families are invited to a casual performance from 12:30-1:00pm where students will perform the music they learned that morning. It’s a VERY fulfilling instructional experience for these students and a great use of time on that random Wednesday teacher workday, Jan 29th. PLEASE consider signing-up your 6th grade band student. 6th graders ONLY!

(*this is an optional event* for 6th grade band students only)

PTA News 6th Grade Basketball Game

The much-anticipated 6th Grade Basketball Game against Oak Hill is in the works! If you’re interested in joining the planning committee or coaching one of the teams, please email [email protected] to connect with our committee head.

Family International Night

Mark your calendars—our first Family International Night is happening this spring! We’re looking for a co-chair to help organize this event. Ideally, this would be a parent of a 5th grader or younger, who can continue the tradition next year. This is your chance to create a lasting legacy at LCES! Please reach out to [email protected] to get started.

Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on X @Lees_Corner_ES to see posts with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

LCES Updates 12/13/24 This Week's Updates

GovDelivery1 month 4 weeks ago

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In This Week's LCES NYC: What's Happening at LCES?!
  • Photos of the Week
  • Winter Weather
  • Upcoming Holiday/Observances
  • Student Holiday Spirit Week
  • Lees Corner Outstanding Employees
  • Remaining Early Release Mondays
  • SEL Screener Results
  • Chantilly Band Day
  • PTA News
  • Kiss and Ride Procedures
Photos of the Week 📸 Winter Weather

❄️ Preparing for Winter Weather

Winter weather will be here before you know it! Watch this video to see how weather-related closing decisions are made.

FCPS’ website is generally the first place to find out about emergency weather closings. Other communication channels will be used as quickly as possible including email, text, social media, and news stations. Learn more about how schedule changes are communicated

Be sure to plan for the winter season. Update your contact information in SIS ParentVUE, bookmark the FCPS website, and arrange for childcare if needed.

Keep Your Child Warm During Outdoor Activities

We will monitor the weather for low temperatures, wind chill advisories and warnings, and weather advisories which may prevent children from being outside. Make sure your child is dressed appropriately with a warm coat and other cold-weather clothing, so they can comfortably enjoy their time outdoors. See the National Weather Service’s tips on staying safe during cold weather.

If you need assistance supplying your child with cold-weather clothing, please call Fairfax County's Coordinated Services Planning at 703-222-0880. Their multilingual staff can assist with any challenges you are facing, including food, shelter, employment, financial assistance, and health care.


❄️ Preparativos para el Invierno

El tiempo de invierno llegará pronto. El tiempo de invierno llegará pronto. Mire este video para ver cómo deciden cuándo hay que cerrar las escuelas debido al clima. 

El sitio web de FCPS es generalmente el primer lugar donde publicaremos cuando haya un cierre de emergencia por el clima. Otros canales de comunicación serán usados lo más pronto posible incluyendo correo electrónico, texto, medios sociales, y estaciones de noticias. Aprenda más sobre cómo se comunican los cambios de horario. 

Asegúrese de planificar para la temporada de invierno. Asegúrese de que su información de contacto esté actualizada en SIS ParentVUE, marque el sitio web de FCPS, y planifique para el cuidado de niños si es apropiado.

Mantenga a Su Hijo Bien Abrigado Durante las Actividades al Aire LibreEstaremos atentos a las bajas temperaturas, los avisos y advertencias de viento helado y los avisos meteorológicos que pueden impedir que los niños estén al aire libre. Sin embargo, asegúrese de que su hijo esté vestido apropiadamente con un abrigo y otra ropa de clima frío para que pueda disfrutar cómodamente de su tiempo al aire libre. El Servicio Meteorológico Nacional ofrece algunos consejos para mantenerse seguro durante el tiempo frío.

Si necesita ayuda para proveer a su hijo de ropa para el clima frío, por favor llame a la Planificación de Servicios Coordinados del Condado de Fairfax al 703-222-0880. El personal multilingüe puede ayudarle con cualquier dificultad que se le presente, como la alimentación, el alojamiento, el empleo, la asistencia financiera, la atención sanitaria y otras necesidades.

Upcoming Holidays/Observances

Winter Break (Student Holiday)

As a reminder, winter break will be held Monday, December 23, to Friday, January 3. The school and office will be closed during this time. To help make sure you and your children have a restful break, we have asked that no homework be assigned during this time. Teachers may assign long-range assignments in the weeks ahead of the break, allowing students to practice time management skills, but no assignments will be due immediately following the break. We look forward to welcoming students back in the new year. Classes resume on Monday, Jan. 6, 2025.

See the complete school year calendar.


A very Merry Christmas to those in our community who celebrate! Christmas is an annual holiday that commemorates the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, the person who stands at the heart of the Christian tradition. It is celebrated in many unique ways across the U.S. and the world, most commonly by the joyous giving of gifts.

Learn more about Christmas.


Chanukah, an 8-day Festival of Lights, is a Jewish holiday commemorating the rededication of the Holy Temple and the miracle of a small quantity of oil that lit the Temple’s menorah for 8 days. This year, Chanukah begins at sundown on Wednesday, December 25.

Learn more about Chanukah.

Student Holiday Spirit Week NEXT WEEK! Lees Corner Outstanding Employees

Thank you for all of your work on nominating our outstanding employees. For this year's awards, we are thrilled to announce the winners for our school in three different categories:

  • Outstanding Teacher- Kristen Lynch
  • Outstanding Professional Employee- Brittany Poole
  • Outstanding Operational Employee- Matt Miller
Remaining Early Release Mondays

There are 4 more Early Release Mondays this year.  Please mark your calendars for the following dates:

  • February 24
  • March 17
  • April 28
  • May 19

You will receive a confirmation email from the school the week prior to the early release.   

SEL Screener Results Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener Results Coming Soon

Students in grades 3-12 took the SEL Screener during the month of October, providing information on their SEL skills like achieving goals, understanding and managing emotions, establishing and maintaining relationships, and making responsible decisions. The screener also asks students how well their school community makes them feel valued, included, and supported.

Individual student SEL Screener results are now available to families in the Documents section of SIS ParentVUE. For families who do not have an active ParentVUE account, results will be sent via postal mail.

For support in understanding your individual student’s results or for ideas on how to support them at home, please review the Family Guide or reach out to our school staff with any questions.

Chantilly Band Day

Band Parents!

Chantilly Band Day is coming!

When: Jan 29th

Time: 9:00am-1:00pm

Where: Rocky Run Middle School

Who: All 6th grade band students in the Chantilly pyramid are invited.

Staff: FCPS Band teachers in the Chantilly pyramid, including middle and high school teachers and band student volunteers.


Sign your 6th grader before Jan 17th.  This is a drop-off event, but you MUST sign up using the link before the event.  Students will learn new music, get a free t-shirt and a free pizza lunch is provided. Parents and families are invited to a casual performance from 12:30-1:00pm where students will perform the music they learned that morning. It’s a VERY fulfilling instructional experience for these students and a great use of time on that random Wednesday teacher workday, Jan 29th. PLEASE consider signing-up your 6th grade band student. 6th graders ONLY!

(*this is an optional event* for 6th grade band students only)

PTA News Piero’s to the Rescue!

Huge thanks to Alex and his amazing team at Piero’s in Franklin Farm for stepping up after our last-minute cancellation with MOD Pizza. They quickly set up a replacement dining day to support the PTA—let’s show them how much we appreciate their generosity!

📅 When: This Monday, 12/16 📍 Where: Piero’s in Franklin Farm

Support a fantastic local business and the LCES PTA by dining in or ordering carry-out over the phone. Please note: The promotion does not apply to online orders. Be sure to mention to your server that you’re supporting the LCES PTA when placing your order!

Thank you for your support!

Indoor Play Date 

Get ready for some fun—our very first PTA-Sponsored Indoor Play Date is here! 🎉 This FREE event is open to all LCES families (not just PTA members), so bring the whole crew!

📅 When: This Wednesday, 12/18, 4-5pm 📍 Where: The nZone (14550 Lee Rd. Chantilly, VA)

✍️ Sign Up: Here To ensure your spot in case we reach occupancy limits.

We know December can be a hectic month, so we carefully chose a date and time that works for most families (based on your feedback!) without getting too close to the holiday break. To make the playdate even more fun, children are encouraged to bring toys to share with their peers! Please note that this is not a drop-off event—parents must stay with their children—and it will also be a snack-free event, so plan accordingly.

Let’s make the most of this season by coming together for an afternoon of connection, laughter, and play. Don’t miss it!

Fun Fit Fridays Are Back!

We’re excited that Principal Sloan was able to bring back Fun Fit Fridays, but she can’t do it without our help! Volunteers are essential to make this adjusted program a success. Sign up for next Friday or any of the upcoming weeks using this link.

6th Grade Basketball Game

The much-anticipated 6th Grade Basketball Game against Oak Hill is in the works! If you’re interested in joining the planning committee or coaching one of the teams, please email [email protected] to connect with our committee head.

Family International Night

Mark your calendars—our first Family International Night is happening this spring! We’re looking for a co-chair to help organize this event. Ideally, this would be a parent of a 5th grader or younger, who can continue the tradition next year. This is your chance to create a lasting legacy at LCES! Please reach out to [email protected] to get started.

Kiss and Ride Procedures

As a reminder, for everyone’s safety, no student should be dropped off or cross Hollinger Avenue to get to or from a vehicle. Nor should cars make a U-turn in front of the school during arrival and dismissal.

Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on X @Lees_Corner_ES to see posts with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

30 minutes 47 seconds ago
Lees Corner Elementary School News and announcements
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