LCES Updates 10/11/24 This Week's Updates

GovDelivery1 day 13 hours ago

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Message from Principal Sloan

Dear Lees Corner Elementary Families,

Happy Fall!  October is in full swing here at Lees Corner!  Thanks to all who were able to attend our Parent Coffee this week, where we focused on Math and the Virginia Literacy Act, Literacy here at Lees Corner.  Please see the slides and notes here:

As we build excellence and shape the future it is important that we create opportunities that allow our students to continue to grow as ethical and global citizens.

Today, we held a Students Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R) lesson with students in grades 4, 5, and 6. These sessions support earlier lessons provided by grade level and classroom teachers.  We talked about Lees Corner’s Blizzard’s Arctic Code (our code of behavior) with a focus on respecting self, others, and property.  We are committed to providing our students with meaningful learning opportunities. We are asking that you follow up with your child and engage in reflective conversations at home. Below, you will find a few questions to help guide you in having a discussion with your child about the topics discussed during this lesson.

What is the Arctic Code?  

What do you do if you see or hear something that is not appropriate/okay?

What might you say if your friend is using hurtful language?

Please stay tuned for some exciting news regarding ways we will continue to celebrate our students.  Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions or need additional support.


VaRonica Sloan - Principal

Jennifer Hutchinson - Assistant Principal 

In This Week's LCES NYC: What's Happening at LCES?!
  • Photos of the Week
  • Important Dates
  • Hallowingo
  • Indigenous Peoples' Day
  • Yom Kippur
  • Early Release Monday, October 28th
  • Unity Day: Wear Orange for Bully Prevention

  • Early Dismissal Procedures
  • Attendance Tip
  • Schoolwide Directory
  • Hallowingo Donations
  • Hallowingo Volunteers Needed
  • Free STEAM Enrichment Club
Photos of the Week 📸 Important Dates
  • October 14 - Teacher Workday (No School)
  • October 28 - Early Release Monday/Dismissal at 12:35pm - Find more information on early release Mondays at this LINK.
  • November 1 - Diwali (No School)
  • November 4 - Teacher Workday (No School)
  • November 5 - Teacher Workday (No School)

See the full school year calendar at this link.


Hallowingo is just around the corner! Below is all of the information you need to be ready for our biggest event of the school year!

Lees Corner PTA Presents our 2024 Hallowingo! Mark your calendars, pick out your costumes, and come ready to win some amazing prizes!!

LOW SENSORY HALLOWINGO Enjoy a low sensory version of the Hallowingo event from 5:30pm - 6pm

Preorders are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED in order to avoid longer lines and to have easier transaction experiences at Hallowingo. You’ll also get a much better deal if you preorder!

Presale Info: The presale ends 10/19 at 11:45pm to allow volunteers to package up orders and offer them for pickup at the school throughout the week of Hallowingo. 

To order, visit: 

Pre Orders include: 

Family Admission for $10 ($12 at door) 

12 raffle tickets for $20 ($2/ticket at event) 

20 bingo cards for $5 (10 for $5 at event) 

Whole pizza pie for $13 (only slices for sale at event) 

Reminder that •PTA PLEDGED• members receive free family admission, 5 free bingo cards, and 5 free raffle tickets. This perk is not offered to •standard PTA memberships• so check your status to ensure your admission. Be on the lookout for upcoming information regarding how you can pick up your pre-orders the week of Hallowingo! Volunteers Needed: Event Volunteer Sign Up Bake Sale Sign Up Baskets:

If you haven’t already, be sure to reach out to your classroom’s basket volunteer to ask how you can help donate! These raffle baskets are one of the most exciting parts of the event!! Let the countdown to Hallowingo begin!

Indigenous Peoples' Day

Monday, October 14, is a student holiday and staff development day for Indigenous Peoples' Day. See the complete school year calendar.

Día de los Pueblos IndígenasEl Lunes, 14 de Octubre, es un día festivo para los estudiantes y para el persona por el Día de los Pueblos Indígenas. Vea el calendario completo del año escolar.

Yom Kippur

May all in our Jewish community observing Yom Kippur have an easy and meaningful fast. According to Jewish tradition, Yom Kippur is when God decides each person’s fate, so Jews are encouraged to make amends and ask forgiveness for sins committed during the past year. #OurFCPS

October 28th, Early Release Monday

As a reminder, FCPS elementary schools will have limited early release Mondays during the upcoming school year. Our second early release is October 28th.  The goal is to provide elementary teachers with additional time to meet new professional development requirements for the Virginia Literacy Act.

Please complete this form by October 14, 2024. We need an updated form for every student because there were several changes to original parent choices, and we want to make sure we have October as up to date as possible for the safety of everyone.  We request that no changes are made after Wednesday, October 23, 2024. 

Unity Day on Wednesday, October 16th

October is National Bullying Prevention Month. Join us in showing your support for a bully-free school environment on Wednesday, October 16th. Let’s Stand United against bullying by wearing ORANGE on this special day. Together, we can create a kinder and more inclusive community for everyone!

Bullying in Students Rights and Responsibilities is defined as: “Any aggressive and unwanted behavior that is intended to harm, intimidate, or humiliate the victim; involves a real or perceived power imbalance between the aggressor or aggressors and victim; and is repeated over time or causes severe emotional trauma. “Bullying” includes cyberbullying. “Bullying” does not include ordinary teasing, horseplay, argument, or peer conflict.”

For more information on how FCPS handles a bullying situation please visit the FCPS Bullying Prevention and Intervention webpage. Our goal is to ensure all students feel safe and welcome at school. If you have questions and/or concerns about something that is going on at school, please contact the front office so that they can support you and most importantly your student.  



Octubre es el Mes Nacional de la Prevención del Acoso Escolar. Únase a nosotros para mostrar su apoyo a un entorno escolar libre de acosadores el miércoles 16de octubre. Unámonos contra el acoso vistiendo de NARANJA en este día especial. ¡Juntos, podemos crear una comunidad más amable e inclusiva para todos!

El Acoso en los Derechos y Responsabilidades de los Estudiantes se define como:  "Cualquier comportamiento agresivo y no deseado que tiene la intención de dañar, intimidar, o humillar a la víctima; involucra un verdadero o percibido desequilibrio de poder entre el agresor o agresores y la víctima; y se repite en el tiempo o causa trauma emocional severo. El "Bullying" incluye el ciberacoso. "Bullying" no incluye burlas ordinarias, payasadas, discusiones o conflictos entre compañeros".

Para más información sobre cómo FCPS maneja una situación de bullying por favor visite la página web de FCPS de Prevención e Intervención de Bullying. Nuestra meta es asegurar que todos los estudiantes se sientan seguros y bienvenidos en la escuela. Si usted tiene preguntas y/o preocupaciones acerca de algo que está sucediendo en la escuela, por favor póngase en contacto con la oficina para que puedan apoyarlo y lo más importante a su estudiante.

Early Dismissal Procedures

Please email the Lees Corner Attendance email at [email protected] if you are going to pick your child up early.

The office will know of the early departure and the pickup will be easier and quicker for both you and the office.

Attendance Tip: Scheduling Family Trips or Events

Good attendance is an important life skill that will help students succeed in school and beyond.

When planning trips or family events, refer to the FCPS calendar and try to use weekends and school holidays. Every day of learning is a day toward success. Keep in mind that absences add up quickly. Students absent 10% of the school year (or just two days per month) are considered chronically absent.

When possible, schedule appointments for your child outside of school hours. If your child needs to miss school because of an illness or another reason, you must report the absence. 

Watch this video with tips on understanding our school calendar and visit our Attendance webpage for additional information. Attend today, achieve tomorrow!

Schoolwide Directory

The company who handles our school-wide directory has switched to an online-only model. Rather than going through the lengthy opt-in process, please make an account and update/add your family and child’s information. If you made an account last year, it will still be active but you’ll need to update your child’s grade and teacher information.  Given that they are no longer offering a hard copy, an account will be required in order to view the directory. 

Please follow this link to log in/create and account and access the directory:

Thank you,

Lees Corner PTA

Hallowingo Donations

Hallowingo is coming up on Friday, October 25!  We are currently requesting prize donations for the BINGO game.  Any small gift item or leftover party favor items would be greatly appreciated! Please drop off donations in the Lees Corner front office. Thanks for your support!

Hallowingo Volunteers Still Needed

Our annual Hallowingo event is just around the corner, and we need your help! We're looking for volunteers to bake for the Hallowingo bake sale and to assist with various tasks at the event itself. Teens can earn service hours by baking or volunteering, and the PTA will sign off on these hours.

Note: Teen volunteers must have at least one adult volunteer with them at their assigned station.

If you're interested in baking, helping at the event, or both, please sign up using the links below. We appreciate your support in making this event a success!

Thank you, LCES PTA


Bake Sale:


Event Volunteers:

Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on X @Lees_Corner_ES to see posts with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

Parent Coffee Tomorrow

GovDelivery4 days 18 hours ago

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Lees Corner ES Parent Coffee Tomorrow Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on Twitter @Lees_Corner_ES to see tweets and retweets with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

LCES Updates 10/4/24 This Week's Updates

GovDelivery1 week 1 day ago

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Principal's Message

We are excited for all that Fall and October bring to our school community. We look forward to our first parent coffee and upcoming Hallowingo events. We also want to wish a Happy Rosh Hashanah to those that celebrated yesterday. 

Last week we shared our first renovation transition for grades 4-6 to the modular units. Classroom teachers will be sharing images and details regarding this transition. Thanks for your support, grace, and patience as we explore this new phase for Lees Corner. Please stay tuned for more information regarding a design and contruction community meeting. Please use the link below for additional details:

VaRonica Sloan, Principal

Jennifer Hutchinson, Assistant Principal

In This Week's LCES NYC: What's Happening at LCES?!
  • Photos of the Week
  • Important Dates
  • Early Release Monday, October 28th
  • Early Dismissal Procedures
  • Attendance Tip
  • National Bullying Prevention Month
  • Disability History and Awareness Month
  • Schoolwide Directory
  • Hallowingo Donations
  • Hallowingo Volunteers Needed
  • Parent Coffee
  • Chantilly High School Haunted House
  • Frying Pan Farm Park Fall Carnival
Photos of the Week 📸 Important Dates
  • October 28 - Early Release Monday/Dismissal at 12:35pm - Find more information on early release Mondays at this LINK.

See the full school year calendar at this link.

October 28th, Early Release Monday

As a reminder, FCPS elementary schools will have limited early release Mondays during the upcoming school year. Our second early release is October 28th.  The goal is to provide elementary teachers with additional time to meet new professional development requirements for the Virginia Literacy Act.

Please complete this form by October 14, 2024. We need an updated form for every student because there were several changes to original parent choices, and we want to make sure we have October as up to date as possible for the safety of everyone.  We request that no changes are made after Wednesday, October 23, 2024. 

Early Dismissal Procedures

Please email the Lees Corner Attendance email at [email protected] if you are going to pick your child up early.

The office will know of the early departure and the pickup will be easier and quicker for both you and the office.

Attendance Tip: Scheduling Family Trips or Events

Good attendance is an important life skill that will help students succeed in school and beyond.

When planning trips or family events, refer to the FCPS calendar and try to use weekends and school holidays. Every day of learning is a day toward success. Keep in mind that absences add up quickly. Students absent 10% of the school year (or just two days per month) are considered chronically absent.

When possible, schedule appointments for your child outside of school hours. If your child needs to miss school because of an illness or another reason, you must report the absence. 

Watch this video with tips on understanding our school calendar and visit our Attendance webpage for additional information. Attend today, achieve tomorrow!

National Bullying Prevention Month

National Bullying Prevention Month October is National Bullying Prevention Month. To help develop a common understanding of Bullying, below is the FCPS definition. 

Bullying in Students Rights and Responsibilities is defined as: “Any aggressive and unwanted behavior that is intended to harm, intimidate, or humiliate the victim; involves a real or perceived power imbalance between the aggressor or aggressors and victim; and is repeated over time or causes severe emotional trauma. “Bullying” includes cyberbullying. “Bullying” does not include ordinary teasing, horseplay, argument, or peer conflict.”

For more information on how FCPS handles a bullying situation please visit the FCPS Bullying Prevention and Intervention webpage. Our goal is to ensure all students feel safe and welcome at school. If you have questions and/or concerns about something that is going on at school, please contact the front office so that they can support you and most importantly your student.  


Mes Nacional de la Prevención del Acoso “Bullying” Octubre es el Mes Nacional de la Prevención del Acoso "Bullying". Para poder desarrollar un entendimiento común del "Bullying", a continuación se encuentra la definición de FCPS. 

El Acoso en los Derechos y Responsabilidades de los Estudiantes se define como:  "Cualquier comportamiento agresivo y no deseado que tiene la intención de dañar, intimidar, o humillar a la víctima; involucra un verdadero o percibido desequilibrio de poder entre el agresor o agresores y la víctima; y se repite en el tiempo o causa trauma emocional severo. El "Bullying" incluye el ciberacoso. "Bullying" no incluye burlas ordinarias, payasadas, discusiones o conflictos entre compañeros".

Para más información sobre cómo FCPS maneja una situación de bullying por favor visite la página web de FCPS de Prevención e Intervención de Bullying. Nuestra meta es asegurar que todos los estudiantes se sientan seguros y bienvenidos en la escuela. Si usted tiene preguntas y/o preocupaciones acerca de algo que está sucediendo en la escuela, por favor póngase en contacto con la oficina para que puedan apoyarlo y lo más importante a su estudiante.

Disability History and Awareness Month

Disability History and Awareness Month In Virginia during October, Disability History and Awareness activities provide an opportunity to create greater public awareness for individuals with disabilities, with the goal of full inclusion in our community.

Spanish: Mes de la Historia y la Concienciación sobre la Discapacidad

Durante el mes de octubre, las actividades de concienciación e historia de la discapacidad ofrecen la oportunidad de crear una mayor conciencia pública sobre las personas con discapacidad, con el objetivo de lograr la plena inclusión en nuestra comunidad.

Schoolwide Directory

The company who handles our school-wide directory has switched to an online-only model. Rather than going through the lengthy opt-in process, please make an account and update/add your family and child’s information. If you made an account last year, it will still be active but you’ll need to update your child’s grade and teacher information.  Given that they are no longer offering a hard copy, an account will be required in order to view the directory. 

Please follow this link to log in/create and account and access the directory:

Thank you,

Lees Corner PTA

Hallowingo Donations

Hallowingo is coming up on Friday, October 25!  We are currently requesting prize donations for the BINGO game.  Any small gift item or leftover party favor items would be greatly appreciated! Please drop off donations in the Lees Corner front office. Thanks for your support!

Hallowingo Volunteers Needed

Our annual Hallowingo event is just around the corner, and we need your help! We're looking for volunteers to bake for the Hallowingo bake sale and to assist with various tasks at the event itself. Teens can earn service hours by baking or volunteering, and the PTA will sign off on these hours.

Note: Teen volunteers must have at least one adult volunteer with them at their assigned station.

If you're interested in baking, helping at the event, or both, please sign up using the links below. We appreciate your support in making this event a success!

Thank you, LCES PTA


Bake Sale:


Event Volunteers:

CHS Haunted House Event

Mark your calendar for one of our local area’s favorite fall events - the Chantilly High School Haunted House! Along with the Haunted House, there will be games, face painting, and refreshments for sale. Proceeds benefit the Chargers Field Hockey, Girls Soccer & Girls Lacrosse programs. Tickets are $10 in advance ($15 at the door). To order your tickets, use the QR code or log on to

Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on X @Lees_Corner_ES to see posts with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

Advanced Academic Programs (AAP) Parent Information Meeting

GovDelivery1 week 2 days ago

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Advanced Academic Programs (AAP) Parent Information Meeting

A parent information meeting will be held at Lees Corner Elementary School on October 10, 2024 at 4:30 PM. Nicole Pierce, our Advanced Academic Resource Teacher, will provide information about levels of service, explain the screening process, and answer questions about advanced academic services.  Please access our AAP Fall Newsletter for more information.

Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on Twitter @Lees_Corner_ES to see tweets and retweets with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

LCES Updates 9/27/24 This Week's Updates

GovDelivery2 weeks 1 day ago

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Capital Improvement Project

Lees Corner Families!

Building Excellence and Shaping The Future!! We are now ready to begin our first renovation move for staff and students! We are so excited to explore this first phase of our Capital Improvement Project

On Monday, October 7th, we will be transitioning grades 4-6  to the temporary modular units.These units will provide a safe and comfortable learning environment while parts of the main building are under construction. We are committed to making the process as seamless as possible.

More information will be shared soon regarding an upcoming community meeting with the Office of Design & Construction. This meeting will provide an opportunity to learn about the project timeline, construction plans, and how the renovation will benefit our school community.

We will continue to keep you updated on the progress of the renovation project and provide you with any additional information as it becomes available. Please refer to this website for more information: 

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work together to create a brighter future for Lees Corner Elementary.

VaRonica Sloan, Principal

Jennifer Hutchinson, Assistant Principal

In This Week's LCES NYC: What's Happening at LCES?!
  • Photos of the Week
  • Important Dates
  • Hallowingo Volunteers Needed
  • Parent Coffee
  • Chantilly High School Haunted House
  • Frying Pan Farm Park Fall Carnival
Photos of the Week 📸 Important Dates
  • October 3 - Rosh Hashanah (No School)
  • October 4 - Teacher Workday (No School)
  • October 28 - Early Release Monday/Dismissal at 12:35pm - Find more information on early release Mondays at this LINK.

See the full school year calendar at this link.

Hallowingo Volunteers Needed

Our annual Hallowingo event is just around the corner, and we need your help! We're looking for volunteers to bake for the Hallowingo bake sale and to assist with various tasks at the event itself. Teens can earn service hours by baking or volunteering, and the PTA will sign off on these hours.

Note: Teen volunteers must have at least one adult volunteer with them at their assigned station.

If you're interested in baking, helping at the event, or both, please sign up using the links below. We appreciate your support in making this event a success!

Thank you, LCES PTA


Bake Sale:


Event Volunteers:

CHS Haunted House Event

Mark your calendar for one of our local area’s favorite fall events - the Chantilly High School Haunted House! Along with the Haunted House, there will be games, face painting, and refreshments for sale. Proceeds benefit the Chargers Field Hockey, Girls Soccer & Girls Lacrosse programs. Tickets are $10 in advance ($15 at the door). To order your tickets, use the QR code or log on to

Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on X @Lees_Corner_ES to see posts with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

Advanced Academic Programs (AAP) Parent Information Meeting

GovDelivery2 weeks 2 days ago

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Advanced Academic Programs (AAP) Parent Information Meeting

A parent information meeting will be held at Lees Corner Elementary School on October 10, 2024 at 4:30 PM. Nicole Pierce, our Advanced Academic Resource Teacher, will provide information about levels of service, explain the screening process, and answer questions about advanced academic services.  Please access our AAP Fall Newsletter for more information.

Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on Twitter @Lees_Corner_ES to see tweets and retweets with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

LCES Updates 9/20/24 This Week's Updates

GovDelivery3 weeks 1 day ago

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Constitution Day

In STEAM, fourth and fifth graders remembered Constitution Day by discussing the importance of the Constitution. Students learned about how the Constitution is stored in the National Archives Building in a 50-ton steel concrete vault that could survive even if the building collapsed. Using basic craft materials, students created a model of a frame or security system that would preserve their own mini version of the Preamble to the Constitution. Students collaborated in teams of 3 or 4, and their designs had to meet several criteria, including surviving a drop test and water submersion test. It was an engaging way for them to think about the value of this historic document.

In This Week's LCES NYC: What's Happening at LCES?!
  • Photos of the Week
  • Important Dates
  • Important Lunch Menu Change for 9/23
  • National Hispanic Month
  • Asha-Jyothi Thank You
  • Parent Coffee
  • School Picture Day
Photos of the Week 📸 Important Dates
  • September 23 - Early Release Monday/Dismissal at 12:35pm - Find more information on early release Mondays at this LINK.
  • September 25 - Fall Picture Day 
  • October 3 - Rosh Hashanah (No School)

See the full school year calendar at this link.

Important Lunch Menu Change for 9/23

On Monday, September 23, we will be having the following served for lunch instead of what was originally planned:

  • Turkey and cheese sandwich on bun
  • Peanut butter and jelly power pack
  • Yogurt power pack
  •  A fruit, vegetable, and a milk will be in a bag with their meal 
National Hispanic Heritage Month

From September 15 to October 15, FCPS recognizes and celebrates the histories and cultures of the members of our community who trace their heritage to Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. Learn more about the heritage months, celebrations, and traditions celebrated in FCPS. Learn more about National Hispanic Heritage Month.

Asha-Jyothi Thank You!

Team AshaJyothi (AJ) extends their heartfelt thanks for your incredible support in making AJ’s 16th Annual Run a tremendous success. We had a great turnout from Lees Corner and appreciate everyone that showed up for a great cause! 

School Picture Day is Coming

Fall Picture Day is coming on Wednesday, September 25. Individual pictures will be taken of each student for the yearbook.   

You may order online at using the picture day ID EVTTFWJBB or with the order form that will be sent home with students.

Retakes will be on the morning of Thursday, November 14.

Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on X @Lees_Corner_ES to see posts with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

LCES Updates 9/13/24 This Week's Updates

GovDelivery4 weeks 1 day ago

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A Roaring Success!

Lees Corner Elementary School was thrilled to host two successful Back-to-School Nights on September 10th and September 12th. Parents and guardians had the opportunity to meet their child's teachers and learn about the curriculum.

We were delighted to see so many families in attendance, eager to partner with us in providing a positive and enriching learning experience for our students.

A special thank you to our dedicated staff for their hard work and dedication in making this event a memorable one. We look forward to a fantastic school year ahead, filled with growth, learning, and Lees Corner community spirit.

We're excited to see you again next week on Tuesday, September 17th, for our first PTA meeting. We will be meeting in the school library at 6:00pm. The PTA will send more information regarding streaming it live for families who cannot attend in person. 

In This Week's LCES NYC: What's Happening at LCES?!
  • Photos of the Week
  • Important Dates
  • Chantilly High School Homecoming 
  • Hallowingo Committee 
  • Join Girl Scouts
  • School Picture Day
  • Recorders for 4th, 5th, and 6th Grades
  • Asha-Jyothi 5K Run/Walk
  • Spirit Wear!
Photos of the Week 📸 Important Dates
  • September 23 - Early Release Monday/Dismissal at 12:35pm - Find more information on early release Mondays at this LINK.
  • September 25 - Fall Picture Day 
  • October 3 - Rosh Hashanah (No School)

See the full school year calendar at this link.

Chantilly High School Homecoming

We are excited to welcome the Charger community to Chantilly football games. Homecoming is today, September 13. Events begin at 4:30 PM with the Homecoming Parade from Greenbriar Shopping Center and ending at Greenbriar West Elementary School. Join us for Taste of Chantilly where local food trucks and vendors will be selling food, crafts, and fun on the Chantilly Tennis courts from 5-6:30 PM.  Kickoff for Chantilly Varsity Football versus the McLean Highlanders is at 7 PM, Gates open at 6 PM.  Admission is $5 for students, $7 for adults.

All Chantilly HS students will be asked to show their Chantilly student ID.  Middle and Elementary aged students must be accompanied by a paying adult to provide supervision throughout the game. No outside food, water bottles, bags or backpacks are permitted in the stadium.

Let’s Go Chargers!!!

Hallowingo Subcommittee Volunteers Needed

We’ve started assembling an incredible team for Hallowingo, but we still need more volunteers to make this year’s event unforgettable. Head one of our subcommittees and help create the kids’ favorite event of the year. Our first meet-up is this Sunday, 9/08, at 2 PM at Franklin Farm Starbucks. Dive into the fun and make a difference—see you there! 

SignUp Genius

Join Girl Scouts

There will be a girl scout infomation meeting in the Lees Corner Cafeteria on Wednesday, September 18, at 6:00pm. Please see this flyer in English or this flyer in Spanish for more information. We hoep to see you there!

School Picture Day is Coming

Fall Picture Day is coming on Wednesday, September 25. Individual pictures will be taken of each student for the yearbook.   

You may order online at using the picture day ID EVTTFWJBB or with the order form that will be sent home with students.

Retakes will be on the morning of Thursday, November 14.

Recorders for Grades 4th, 5th and 6th

Students in Grades 4, 5, and 6 will need to bring their recorders into music class by Friday September 13th. If you have lost your recorder since last year, please purchase one through MySchoolBucks for $5.00. If you a student new to Fairfax County Public Schools (in grades 4-6th) your child will be given a recorder. Please email Leah Kmetz with any questions.

Asha-Jyothi 5K Run/Walk

Thank you for supporting this wonderful organization.

Race Date: Sunday, September 15 Location: 4250 Fairfax Corner Avenue; Fairfax, VA 22030 Race Time: Fun Run starts at 8:00 AM and 5K starts at 8:30 AM Price: $30 / Coupon Code "AJ4Schools" for $10 off the 5K

Spirit Wear!

This year the PTA is offering t-shirts, sweatshirts, pajama pants, sweatpants and shorts to display our LCES pride!  The active link to the ordering site is:

Please see this flyer for more information. 

Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on X @Lees_Corner_ES to see posts with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

Back to School Night Tonight and Thursday

GovDelivery1 month ago

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Back to School Night Tonight and Thursday

We are excited to welcome parents to Back to School Nights! Please see the following schedule for tonight and Thursday: 

Tonight, September 10th: Grades 4-6, 6:00pm - 7:30pm

Thursday, September 12th: Grades K-3, 6:00pm - 7:30pm

Back To School Night Schedule:

6:00pm - 6:10pm: Doors open

6:10pm - 6:50pm: Session One

6:50pm - 7:00pm: Transition

7:00pm - 7:30pm: Session Two

Back To School Night Ends at 7:30pm

Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on X @Lees_Corner_ES to see posts with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

Asha Jyothi Run

GovDelivery1 month ago

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Support Asha-Jyothi 5K Run

Dear LCES Students, Parents, and Staff:

We are pleased to share that we are partnering with a non-profit named Asha-Jyothi  ( ) to support their 16th Annual 5K Run/Walk on Sunday, September 15th at Fairfax Corner at 8 AM. All proceeds that we raise will go towards student fieldtrips, supporting school-wide, hands on learning experiences to include STEAM, family and community engagements, and to support student and staff needs. Asha-Jyothi has generously agreed to donate 100% of the registration money back to each participating school AND:

  • An additional $500 for 25+ registrations
  • An additional $1000 for 50+ registrations
  • An additional $2000 for 100+ registrations

To sign up, participating staff, students, and/or their families and friends can visit the webpage: Simply enter the code “AJ4Schools” and be sure to select LCES from the drop-down menu. A discounted price of $10 for the 5K will be given to all participants.

  • Event Details: Sunday, Sept 15th. Fun Run at 8 AM, 5K Run/Walk at 8:30 AM  
  • Location: 4250 Fairfax Corner Ave, Fairfax, VA 22030
  • Price: Regular Prices(June-Sept): Fun Run (13 and under) - $20 ||  Fun Run (>13 years) - $30  || 5K Run/Walk - $30 || Price increases by $5 on Sept 10th 
  • *Coupon applies to 5K only. LCES gets 100% of the money if you use school coupon code, even if signing up for Fun Run

To view the flyer, click here. For more information click here

Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on Twitter @Lees_Corner_ES to see tweets and retweets with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

LCES Updates 9/6/24 This Week's Updates

GovDelivery1 month ago

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In This Week's LCES NYC: What's Happening at LCES?!
  • Photos of the Week
  • Important Dates
  • Back To School Night
  • Hallowingo Committee 
  • Fall 2024 After School Activities
  • School Picture Day
  • 5th and 6th Grade Choir Registration
  • Music Shirts for 4th, 5th, and 6th Grades
  • Recorders for 4th, 5th, and 6th Grades
  • Scout Information
  • Asha-Jyothi 5K Run/Walk
  • Spirit Wear!
Photos of the Week 📸 Important Dates
  • September 10th - Back to School Night from 6pm-7:30pm (Grades 4-6)
  • September 12th - Back to School Night from 6pm-7:30pm (Grades K-3)
  • September 23 - Early Release Monday/Dismissal at 12:35pm - Find more information on early release Mondays at this LINK.
  • September 25 - Fall Picture Day 

See the full school year calendar at this link.

Back to School Night

We are excited to welcome parents to Back to School Nights! Please see the following schedule for next week: 

Tuesday, September 10th: Grades 4-6, 6:00pm - 7:30pm

Thursday, September 12th: Grades K-3, 6:00pm - 7:30pm

BTSN Schedule:

6:00pm - 6:10pm: Doors open

6:10pm - 6:50pm: Session One

6:50pm - 7:00pm: Transition

7:00pm - 7:30pm: Session Two

Back To School Night Ends at 7:30pm

Hallowingo Subcommittee Volunteers Needed

We’ve started assembling an incredible team for Hallowingo, but we still need more volunteers to make this year’s event unforgettable. Head one of our subcommittees and help create the kids’ favorite event of the year. Our first meet-up is this Sunday, 9/08, at 2 PM at Franklin Farm Starbucks. Dive into the fun and make a difference—see you there! 

SignUp Genius

LCES Fall 2024 After school activities now OPEN for registration!

Classes have a minimum enrollment and will get canceled if minimum enrollment is not met.



Pottery, by Mudskippers. Grades K-6. Starts 9/16.




Magic, by Ultimate Magic Academy. Grades 1-6. Starts 9/16.



Taekwondo, by Master Shin. Grades K-6. Starts 10/1.

PTA Pledged Member discount!

Flour Power Cooking, by iCookAfterSchool. Grades K-4. Starts 9/24

PTA Pledged Member discount!



Shooting Stars Soccer, by OTA. Grades K-6. Starts 9/25

STEAM, by iSteam. Grades K-4. Starts 9/25

PTA Pledged Member discount!



Coding Club, by volunteer parent Ujval Gandhi. Grades 4-6. Starts 9/19.

This free class is offered on a first come first serve basis. Please sign up using this Google Form link that will open on 9/12 at 10am.

Fast Break Basketball, by OTA. Grades K-6. Starts 9/19.



Chess, by Magnus Chess Academy. Grades K-6. Starts 10/18.

Drama, by Not Just Dance. Grades K-6. Starts 9/20.

PTA Pledged Member discount!

Running Club, by Kids in Motion. Grades K-5. Starts 9/27.

PTA Pledged Member discount!

School Picture Day is Coming

Fall Picture Day is coming on Wednesday, September 25. Individual pictures will be taken of each student for the yearbook.   

You may order online at using the picture day ID EVTTFWJBB or with the order form that will be sent home with students.

Retakes will be on the morning of Thursday, November 14.

5th and 6th Grade Choir Registration

We are delighted to start 5th and 6th Grade choir next week after Labor day. If you student would like to participate in Choir (also known as chorus) please fill out this registration form by Friday, September 13th. Information about each choir is in the link/form below. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us!

5th Grade Choir                             

6th Grade Choir

Leah Kmetz, [email protected]     

Laura Thacher, [email protected]

Music Shirts for 4th, 5th, and 6th Grades

Students in a music ensemble (Band, Choir, or Strings) have the opportunity to purchase a LCES Music shirt at the beginning of the year. All CHOIR students will need a shirt for the concert, but it is optional for band and strings. Shirts are $7.50 (design as pictured is the same as the last few years) and can be purchased through MySchoolBucks. Shirts will come in sometime in October.  Please email Leah Kmetz with any questions.

Recorders for Grades 4th, 5th and 6th

Students in Grades 4, 5, and 6 will need to bring their recorders into music class by Friday September 13th. If you have lost your recorder since last year, please purchase one through MySchoolBucks for $5.00. If you a student new to Fairfax County Public Schools (in grades 4-6th) your child will be given a recorder. Please email Leah Kmetz with any questions.

Become A Scout!

The scouts are meeting on Friday, September 6th at 7pm in the Lees Corner cafeteria. All Kindergarten-5th Grade students are welcome to come and learn more about what it means to be a scout! 

Asha-Jyothi 5K Run/Walk

Asha-Jyothi 5K Run/Walk is a fun-filled family event with foot tapping music, delicious food and a friendly course. It is a volunteer based non-profit organization dedicated to serving the needs of the underprivileged by providing access to education and health care. Asha-Jyothi partners with schools by donating 100% of all registration money from each school back to the school for its STEM needs. 

Please join us in supporting this wonderful organization.

Race Date: Sunday, September 15 Location: 4250 Fairfax Corner Avenue; Fairfax, VA 22030 Race Time: Fun Run starts at 8:00 AM and 5K starts at 8:30 AM Price: $30 / Coupon Code "AJ4Schools" for $10 off the 5K

Register Here - Fairfax 5K, hope to see you there!

Spirit Wear!

This year the PTA is offering t-shirts, sweatshirts, pajama pants, sweatpants and shorts to display our LCES pride!  The active link to the ordering site is:

Please see this flyer for more information. 

Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on X @Lees_Corner_ES to see posts with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

Advanced Academic Programs (AAP) Parent Information Meeting

GovDelivery1 month 1 week ago

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Advanced Academic Programs (AAP) Parent Information Meeting

A parent information meeting will be held at Lees Corner Elementary School on October 10, 2024 at 4:30 PM. Nicole Pierce, our Advanced Academic Resource Teacher, will provide information about levels of service, explain the screening process, and answer questions about advanced academic services.  Please access our AAP Fall Newsletter for more information.

Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on Twitter @Lees_Corner_ES to see tweets and retweets with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

Asha Jyothi Run

GovDelivery1 month 1 week ago

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Support Asha-Jyothi 5K Run

Dear LCES Students, Parents, and Staff:

We are pleased to share that we are partnering with a non-profit named Asha-Jyothi  ( ) to support their 16th Annual 5K Run/Walk on Sunday, September 15th at Fairfax Corner at 8 AM. All proceeds that we raise will go towards student fieldtrips, supporting school-wide, hands on learning experiences to include STEAM, family and community engagements, and to support student and staff needs. Asha-Jyothi has generously agreed to donate 100% of the registration money back to each participating school AND:

  • An additional $500 for 25+ registrations
  • An additional $1000 for 50+ registrations
  • An additional $2000 for 100+ registrations

To sign up, participating staff, students, and/or their families and friends can visit the webpage: Simply enter the code “AJ4Schools” and be sure to select LCES from the drop-down menu. A discounted price of $10 for the 5K will be given to all participants.

  • Event Details: Sunday, Sept 15th. Fun Run at 8 AM, 5K Run/Walk at 8:30 AM  
  • Location: 4250 Fairfax Corner Ave, Fairfax, VA 22030
  • Price: Regular Prices(June-Sept): Fun Run (13 and under) - $20 ||  Fun Run (>13 years) - $30  || 5K Run/Walk - $30 || Price increases by $5 on Sept 10th 
  • *Coupon applies to 5K only. LCES gets 100% of the money if you use school coupon code, even if signing up for Fun Run

To view the flyer, click here. For more information click here

Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on Twitter @Lees_Corner_ES to see tweets and retweets with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

LCES Updates 8/29/24 This Week's Updates

GovDelivery1 month 2 weeks ago

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Another Fantastic Week!

We've had another fantastic week at Lees Corner! We are so grateful for the patience and understanding everyone has shown as we settle into our new routines and procedures for the school year. As a reminder, students enter the building at 8:35am, and should be in class seated by 8:50am. Student dismissal is at 3:35pm. Thanks for your support in helping us establish consistent, safe, and efficient arrival and dismissal procedures for students.
As we wrap up the week, we want to remind everyone to enjoy the long Labor Day weekend!

Labor Day

Tomorrow, August 30, and Monday, September 2, are Labor Day holidays for all FCPS employees and students. Virginia legislation requires that schools opening prior to Labor Day must be closed the Friday immediately preceding Labor Day. We hope everyone takes the long weekend to celebrate a strong start to the school year and enjoy time with family and friends.

Important Dates
  • Labor Day Holiday - August 30th through September 2nd 
  • September 10th - Back to School Night from 6pm-7:30pm (Grades 4-6)
  • September 12th - Back to School Night from 6pm-7:30pm (Grades K-3)
  • September 23 - Early Release Monday/Dismissal at 12:35pm - Find more information on early release Mondays at this LINK.
  • September 25 - Fall Picture Day 

See the full school year calendar at this link.

LCES Fall 2024 After school activities now OPEN for registration!

Classes have a minimum enrollment and will get canceled if minimum enrollment is not met.



Pottery, by Mudskippers. Grades K-6. Starts 9/16.




Magic, by Ultimate Magic Academy. Grades 1-6. Starts 9/16.



Taekwondo, by Master Shin. Grades K-6. Starts 10/1.

PTA Pledged Member discount!

Flour Power Cooking, by iCookAfterSchool. Grades K-4. Starts 9/24

PTA Pledged Member discount!



Shooting Stars Soccer, by OTA. Grades K-6. Starts 9/25

STEAM, by iSteam. Grades K-4. Starts 9/25

PTA Pledged Member discount!



Coding Club, by volunteer parent Ujval Gandhi. Grades 4-6. Starts 9/19.

This free class is offered on a first come first serve basis. Please sign up using this Google Form link that will open on 9/12 at 10am.

Fast Break Basketball, by OTA. Grades K-6. Starts 9/19.



Chess, by Magnus Chess Academy. Grades K-6. Starts 10/18.

Drama, by Not Just Dance. Grades K-6. Starts 9/20.

PTA Pledged Member discount!

Running Club, by Kids in Motion. Grades K-5. Starts 9/27.

PTA Pledged Member discount!

5th and 6th Grade Choir Registration

We are delighted to start 5th and 6th Grade choir next week after Labor day. If you student would like to participate in Choir (also known as chorus) please fill out this registration form by Friday, September 13th. Information about each choir is in the link/form below. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us!

5th Grade Choir                             

6th Grade Choir

Leah Kmetz, [email protected]     

Laura Thacher, [email protected]

Music Shirts for 4th, 5th, and 6th Grades

Students in a music ensemble (Band, Choir, or Strings) have the opportunity to purchase a LCES Music shirt at the beginning of the year. All CHOIR students will need a shirt for the concert, but it is optional for band and strings. Shirts are $7.50 (design as pictured is the same as the last few years) and can be purchased through MySchoolBucks. Shirts will come in sometime in October.  Please email Leah Kmetz with any questions.

Recorders for Grades 4th, 5th and 6thClick to edit this heading.

Students in Grades 4, 5, and 6 will need to bring their recorders into music class by Friday September 13th. If you have lost your recorder since last year, please purchase one through MySchoolBucks for $5.00. If you a student new to Fairfax County Public Schools (in grades 4-6th) your child will be given a recorder. Please email Leah Kmetz with any questions.

Become A Scout!

The scouts are meeting on Friday, September 6th at 7pm in the Lees Corner cafeteria. All Kindergarten-5th Grade students are welcome to come and learn more about what it means to be a scout! 

Register for Strings!

The String Orchestra Program at Lees Corner Elementary welcomes all 4th, 5th and 6th grade students to participate in learning an instrument in the orchestral string family (violin, viola, cello or string bass) regardless of experience.  The program is a yearlong commitment as classes begin in September and continue through June to the end of the school year. For more information follow the registration link or email Mrs. Ellis [email protected]

Registration Link here

5th and 6th Graders! Join the Lees Corner Band!

Band Information and Sign Up Link

Friday August 23rd , your child saw an instrument demonstration assembly during school.  Talk with your child which band instrument they liked best that they’d like to learn this year.  Sign up using the link above by August 28th.

Mrs. Hill will visit your child during their music classes to confirm their instrument choice and help those who need help deciding which instrument would suit them best.  Information on where and how to rent and instrument can be found in the sign-up link, and Mrs. Hill will send home a packet with flyers to local stores.  There are some school owned instruments available for rent, and rental assistance for those in need.

Band is a 60-minute class once a week built into their specials.  Band is a year-long commitment and will be a fun, rewarding experience for your student! 

We have two performances: Spring Concert on May 1st and at the annual school basketball game!


Click the link and read the information and/or contact our Band Director, Mrs. Hill [email protected]

Chantilly Dance Team

Chantilly Dance Team is offering a Dance Workshop on Sunday, September 15th from 1-4 pm at Chantilly High school for grades K-8.  $60 per dancer, $10 discount for siblings.  Fee includes, a snack, craft and a t-shirt.  Contact Coach Katherine at [email protected] with any questions.  Register here.

Kiss and Ride: Helpful Tips

Many families will use Kiss and Ride for both arrival and dismissal and the line can get long. Please be patient and kind with one another and our staff on duty! It will take time for us to establish these routines and procedures with our students. Here are a few more helpful tips:

  • morning drop-off starts at 8:35 a.m.
  • plan on being in line early
  • drivers should remain in the car
  • school staff will be on duty to assist students in unloading and loading
  • children should unload from the car on the passenger side only
  • cars should remain in a single file line. Passing other cars is NOT allowed in order to ensure the safety of all students.
  • afternoon pick-up starts at 3:35 p.m.
  • for afternoon pick-up, please display your assigned number in the right corner of your front windshield. Make sure your child knows what your number is (ie. 352). We will use the numbers to call the students out to your car.
  • Kiss and Ride ends before 4:00 p.m. Any students who have not been picked up by that time will be taken to the office. Parents will be contacted and must come to the office to sign their child out.
Need to Report an Absence?

Report full day absences through your ParentVUE account.

Late arrivals, changes in dismissal, early dismissals and absences of 2 days or more must be emailed to the attendance email at [email protected]

Asha-Jyothi 5K Run/Walk

Asha-Jyothi 5K Run/Walk is a fun-filled family event with foot tapping music, delicious food and a friendly course. It is a volunteer based non-profit organization dedicated to serving the needs of the underprivileged by providing access to education and health care. Asha-Jyothi partners with schools by donating 100% of all registration money from each school back to the school for its STEM needs. 

Please join us in supporting this wonderful organization.

Race Date: Sunday, September 15 Location: 4250 Fairfax Corner Avenue; Fairfax, VA 22030 Race Time: Fun Run starts at 8:00 AM and 5K starts at 8:30 AM Price: $30 / Coupon Code "AJ4Schools" for $10 off the 5K

Register Here - Fairfax 5K, hope to see you there!

PTA Memberships Available for Purchase

PTA memberships are now avialable for purchase. People who register will be able to pick up their swag gift at Open House.

Early Release Mondays

As a reminder, FCPS elementary schools will have limited early release Mondays during the upcoming school year. The goal is to provide elementary teachers with additional time to meet new professional development requirements for the Virginia Literacy Act.

You can help us with planning for the seven early release Mondays. Your response will help us in planning activities for students who will need to stay at school until regular dismissal time.

We realize there are many details for us to finalize before our first early release Monday in mid-September. Thank you for your patience, we strive to create a positive and successful experience for students, families, and teachers. 

Early release Mondays for our school include:

  • September 23
  • October 28
  • November 25
  • February 24
  • March 17
  • April 28
  • May 19

To help plan for our school’s child care needs during the early release Mondays, please complete this form:  for each of your children who are enrolled at Lees Corner Elementary. The form covers the first two early release Mondays, scheduled for September 23, 2024 and October 28, 2024. If you have multiple children, you will need to submit multiple forms. Staff will confirm the after school supervision plan for each student. This form was sent to your email address we have on file. If at all possible, please complete the form(s) by Monday, August 26, 2024.  It is important that we hear from all families. 

Learn more about Early-Release Mondays.

Emergency Care Form Updates- Student Online Verification

You should have received a copy of your child's Emergency Care Form at Open House.  Please verify your child's information.  If everything is correct, please sign and return.  If changes need to be made, please make those changes online through ParentVUE. The Online Verification system allows the enrolling parent to electronically update phone numbers, emergency contacts, health conditions, and new immunizations dates for their students via ParentVUE.  For detailed information on how to use the OVU system, please click here.  Please verify your child’s information no later than August 26th.

If you have questions, please contact Jill Boddie, Registrar, at 703-227-3500 or [email protected]

Greetings from the Health Room

Welcome back to another exciting school year at Lees Corner Elementary! The Fairfax County Health Department (FCHD) and Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) partner to offer each student access to a Health Room. Our goal is to ensure a safe and healthy school environment for all students throughout the school year. To help us achieve our goal, please take a moment to review the following information. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the health room at 703-227-3510.

Spirit Wear!

This year the PTA is offering t-shirts, sweatshirts, pajama pants, sweatpants and shorts to display our LCES pride!  The active link to the ordering site is:

Please see this flyer for more information. 

Parental Consent Forms

Please review and complete the required Digital Resource Consent Form, and any other required and optional forms, for each of your children by logging into the Parent Digital Consent System (PDC). 

Teachers will use a variety of digital resources to support student learning and promote communication and collaboration with students and families. Some of the digital resources your child may use this year will require your consent before they can be used. View Fairfax County Public Schools' list of Elementary Digital Resources to learn more.

Families can log into the Parent Digital Consent System (PDC) using their ParentVue credentials.

Need Help?  View Digital Consent Parent Directions.

Forms available include:

School Counseling Opt-out

Digital Resources Consent 

SEL Screener Opt-Out

Family Life Education Opt-out

SOL Retest Permission

Objection to Release of Directory Information to the Public

Objection to Release of Information to Outside Organizations

Free and Reduced-Price Meal Applications for School Year 24-25

Families must submit an application and be approved to be eligible for free and reduced-price meals.

Interested families are encouraged to submit the Free and Reduced-Price Meal application linked here prior to the start of school on August 19th.

La Solicitud de Comidas Gratuitas y a Precio Rebajado Aplique en Linea

Students approved for Free and Reduced-Price Meals may qualify for additional benefits such as waived or reduced fees for instruments, uniforms, field trips, FCPS class fees, and Parktakes classes. Schools also benefit from funding opportunities based on Free and Reduced-Price Meal application numbers. 

Learn more about the Free and Reduced-Price Meal program online. If you have questions or need assistance with the Free and Reduced-Price Meals application, please contact the office at 703-322-3100.

Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on X @Lees_Corner_ES to see posts with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

LCES Updates 8/23/24 This Week's Updates

GovDelivery1 month 2 weeks ago

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A Smooth Start: Our Successful First Week of School

Lees Corner ES is thrilled to report a fantastic start to the new school year! The first week has been filled with excitement, energy, and a strong foundation for a successful academic year.

A key to our successful start was our focus on building a strong classroom community. Teachers prioritized getting to know their students on a personal level, creating a supportive and inclusive environment. Icebreakers, team-building activities, and open communication channels helped foster a sense of belonging among students.

Establishing clear expectations and routines was another crucial element. Students quickly learned what was expected of them, both academically and behaviorally. This structure provided a sense of security and allowed students to focus on learning.

We are excited to see what the rest of the year will bring!

VaRonica Sloan, Principal

Jennifer Hutchinson, Assistant Principal

Labor Day

Friday, August 30, and Monday, September 2, are Labor Day holidays for all FCPS employees and students. Virginia legislation requires that schools opening prior to Labor Day must be closed the Friday immediately preceding Labor Day. We hope everyone takes the long weekend to celebrate a strong start to the school year and enjoy time with family and friends.

Important Dates
  • Labor Day Holiday - August 30th through September 2nd 
  • September 10th - Back to School Night from 6pm-7:30pm (Grades 4-6)
  • September 12th - Back to School Night from 6pm-7:30pm (Grades K-3)
  • September 23 - Early Release Monday/Dismissal at 12:35pm - Find more information on early release Mondays at this LINK.

See the full school year calendar at this link.

Register for Strings!

The String Orchestra Program at Lees Corner Elementary welcomes all 4th, 5th and 6th grade students to participate in learning an instrument in the orchestral string family (violin, viola, cello or string bass) regardless of experience.  The program is a yearlong commitment as classes begin in September and continue through June to the end of the school year. For more information follow the registration link or email Mrs. Ellis [email protected]

Registration Link here

5th and 6th Graders! Join the Lees Corner Band!

Band Information and Sign Up Link

Friday August 23rd , your child saw an instrument demonstration assembly during school.  Talk with your child which band instrument they liked best that they’d like to learn this year.  Sign up using the link above by August 28th.

Mrs. Hill will visit your child during their music classes to confirm their instrument choice and help those who need help deciding which instrument would suit them best.  Information on where and how to rent and instrument can be found in the sign-up link, and Mrs. Hill will send home a packet with flyers to local stores.  There are some school owned instruments available for rent, and rental assistance for those in need.

Band is a 60-minute class once a week built into their specials.  Band is a year-long commitment and will be a fun, rewarding experience for your student! 

We have two performances: Spring Concert on May 1st and at the annual school basketball game!


Click the link and read the information and/or contact our Band Director, Mrs. Hill [email protected]

Chantilly Dance Team

Chantilly Dance Team is offering a Dance Workshop on Sunday, September 15th from 1-4 pm at Chantilly High school for grades K-8.  $60 per dancer, $10 discount for siblings.  Fee includes, a snack, craft and a t-shirt.  Contact Coach Katherine at [email protected] with any questions.  Register here.

Kiss and Ride: Helpful Tips

Many families will use Kiss and Ride for both arrival and dismissal and the line can get long. Please be patient and kind with one another and our staff on duty! It will take time for us to establish these routines and procedures with our students. Here are a few more helpful tips:

  • morning drop-off starts at 8:35 a.m.
  • plan on being in line early
  • drivers should remain in the car
  • school staff will be on duty to assist students in unloading and loading
  • children should unload from the car on the passenger side only
  • cars should remain in a single file line. Passing other cars is NOT allowed in order to ensure the safety of all students.
  • afternoon pick-up starts at 3:35 p.m.
  • for afternoon pick-up, please display your assigned number in the right corner of your front windshield. Make sure your child knows what your number is (ie. 352). We will use the numbers to call the students out to your car.
  • Kiss and Ride ends before 4:00 p.m. Any students who have not been picked up by that time will be taken to the office. Parents will be contacted and must come to the office to sign their child out.
Need to Report an Absence?

Report full day absences through your ParentVUE account.

Late arrivals, changes in dismissal, early dismissals and absences of 2 days or more must be emailed to the attendance email at [email protected]

Asha-Jyothi 5K Run/Walk

Asha-Jyothi 5K Run/Walk is a fun-filled family event with foot tapping music, delicious food and a friendly course. It is a volunteer based non-profit organization dedicated to serving the needs of the underprivileged by providing access to education and health care. Asha-Jyothi partners with schools by donating 100% of all registration money from each school back to the school for its STEM needs. 

Please join us in supporting this wonderful organization.

Race Date: Sunday, September 15 Location: 4250 Fairfax Corner Avenue; Fairfax, VA 22030 Race Time: Fun Run starts at 8:00 AM and 5K starts at 8:30 AM Price: $30 / Coupon Code "AJ4Schools" for $10 off the 5K

Register Here - Fairfax 5K, hope to see you there!

PTA Memberships Available for Purchase

PTA memberships are now avialable for purchase. People who register will be able to pick up their swag gift at Open House.

Early Release Mondays

As a reminder, FCPS elementary schools will have limited early release Mondays during the upcoming school year. The goal is to provide elementary teachers with additional time to meet new professional development requirements for the Virginia Literacy Act.

You can help us with planning for the seven early release Mondays. Your response will help us in planning activities for students who will need to stay at school until regular dismissal time.

We realize there are many details for us to finalize before our first early release Monday in mid-September. Thank you for your patience, we strive to create a positive and successful experience for students, families, and teachers. 

Early release Mondays for our school include:

  • September 23
  • October 28
  • November 25
  • February 24
  • March 17
  • April 28
  • May 19

To help plan for our school’s child care needs during the early release Mondays, please complete this form:  for each of your children who are enrolled at Lees Corner Elementary. The form covers the first two early release Mondays, scheduled for September 23, 2024 and October 28, 2024. If you have multiple children, you will need to submit multiple forms. Staff will confirm the after school supervision plan for each student. This form was sent to your email address we have on file. If at all possible, please complete the form(s) by Monday, August 26, 2024.  It is important that we hear from all families. 

Learn more about Early-Release Mondays.

Emergency Care Form Updates- Student Online Verification

You should have received a copy of your child's Emergency Care Form at Open House.  Please verify your child's information.  If everything is correct, please sign and return.  If changes need to be made, please make those changes online through ParentVUE. The Online Verification system allows the enrolling parent to electronically update phone numbers, emergency contacts, health conditions, and new immunizations dates for their students via ParentVUE.  For detailed information on how to use the OVU system, please click here.  Please verify your child’s information no later than August 26th.

If you have questions, please contact Jill Boddie, Registrar, at 703-227-3500 or [email protected]

Greetings from the Health Room

Welcome back to another exciting school year at Lees Corner Elementary! The Fairfax County Health Department (FCHD) and Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) partner to offer each student access to a Health Room. Our goal is to ensure a safe and healthy school environment for all students throughout the school year. To help us achieve our goal, please take a moment to review the following information. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the health room at 703-227-3510.

Spirit Wear!

This year the PTA is offering t-shirts, sweatshirts, pajama pants, sweatpants and shorts to display our LCES pride!  The active link to the ordering site is:

Please see this flyer for more information. 

Parental Consent Forms

Please review and complete the required Digital Resource Consent Form, and any other required and optional forms, for each of your children by logging into the Parent Digital Consent System (PDC). 

Teachers will use a variety of digital resources to support student learning and promote communication and collaboration with students and families. Some of the digital resources your child may use this year will require your consent before they can be used. View Fairfax County Public Schools' list of Elementary Digital Resources to learn more.

Families can log into the Parent Digital Consent System (PDC) using their ParentVue credentials.

Need Help?  View Digital Consent Parent Directions.

Forms available include:

School Counseling Opt-out

Digital Resources Consent 

SEL Screener Opt-Out

Family Life Education Opt-out

SOL Retest Permission

Objection to Release of Directory Information to the Public

Objection to Release of Information to Outside Organizations

Free and Reduced-Price Meal Applications for School Year 24-25

Families must submit an application and be approved to be eligible for free and reduced-price meals.

Interested families are encouraged to submit the Free and Reduced-Price Meal application linked here prior to the start of school on August 19th.

La Solicitud de Comidas Gratuitas y a Precio Rebajado Aplique en Linea

Students approved for Free and Reduced-Price Meals may qualify for additional benefits such as waived or reduced fees for instruments, uniforms, field trips, FCPS class fees, and Parktakes classes. Schools also benefit from funding opportunities based on Free and Reduced-Price Meal application numbers. 

Learn more about the Free and Reduced-Price Meal program online. If you have questions or need assistance with the Free and Reduced-Price Meals application, please contact the office at 703-322-3100.

Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on X @Lees_Corner_ES to see posts with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

LCES Updates 8/16/24 This Week's Updates

GovDelivery1 month 3 weeks ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

Open House Was A Success!

Dear Lees Corner Community,

We want to extend our sincere gratitude for making our Open House such a wonderful event!

It was a pleasure to connect with you and share in your child's excitement about the upcoming school year. We look forward to a fantastic year of learning and growth together.

Thank you again for your continued partnership!

VaRonica Sloan, Principal

Jennifer Hutchinson, Assistant Principal

August 19th, First Day of School!

We are so excited to welcome our students and families back to school on Monday!

Parents are welcome to walk their children to class on the first day of school. To support the instructional day, this must be a brief drop off at the classroom door. After the first day, staff will be on hand to help students find their classrooms.

Important Dates
  • August 19th – First day of school
  • Labor Day Holiday - August 30th through September 2nd 
  • September 10th - Back to School Night from 6pm-7:30pm (Grades 4-6)
  • September 12th - Back to School Night from 6pm-7:30pm (Grades K-3)
  • September 23 - Early Release Monday/Dismissal at 12:25 pm - Find more information on early release Mondays at this LINK.

See the full school year calendar at this link.

Kiss and Ride: Helpful Tips

Many families will use Kiss and Ride for both arrival and dismissal and the line can get long. Please be patient and kind with one another and our staff on duty! It will take time for us to establish these routines and procedures with our students. Here are a few more helpful tips:

  • morning drop-off starts at 8:35 a.m.
  • plan on being in line early
  • drivers should remain in the car
  • school staff will be on duty to assist students in unloading and loading
  • children should unload from the car on the passenger side only
  • cars should remain in a single file line. Passing other cars is NOT allowed in order to ensure the safety of all students.
  • afternoon pick-up starts at 3:35 p.m.
  • for afternoon pick-up, please display your assigned number in the right corner of your front windshield. Make sure your child knows what your number is (ie. 352). We will use the numbers to call the students out to your car.
  • Kiss and Ride ends before 4:00 p.m. Any students who have not been picked up by that time will be taken to the office. Parents will be contacted and must come to the office to sign their child out.
Need to Report an Absence?

Report full day absences through your ParentVUE account.

Late arrivals, changes in dismissal, early dismissals and absences of 2 days or more must be emailed to the attendance email at [email protected]

Asha-Jyothi 5K Run/Walk

Asha-Jyothi 5K Run/Walk is a fun-filled family event with foot tapping music, delicious food and a friendly course. It is a volunteer based non-profit organization dedicated to serving the needs of the underprivileged by providing access to education and health care. Asha-Jyothi partners with schools by donating 100% of all registration money from each school back to the school for its STEM needs. 

Please join us in supporting this wonderful organization.

Race Date: Sunday, September 15 Location: 4250 Fairfax Corner Avenue; Fairfax, VA 22030 Race Time: Fun Run starts at 8:00 AM and 5K starts at 8:30 AM Price: $30 / Coupon Code "AJ4Schools" for $10 off the 5K

Register Here - Fairfax 5K, hope to see you there!

2024-2025 PTA Meetings/Survey

LCES PTA Meetings have been virtual since the Covid-19 Pandemic began. The community has returned to a sense of normalcy post pandemic and the PTA has seen an increase in families requesting in-person PTA meetings in an effort to strengthen a sense of community. 

Conversely, many families have also expressed that they enjoy the ease of being able to attend meetings virtually with busy work schedules, activities, and bedtimes for younger children. 

In order to get a clearer picture of what the community wants, we invite you to take a survey so that we can do what’s best for all. 

Virtual Meetings would be held at 7pm.

In-Person + Interactive Streaming meetings would be held at 6pm and streamed on Zoom so that virtual attendees can still ask questions, add comments, and vote when necessary. 


Fill out in Google Forms

PTA Memberships Available for Purchase

PTA memberships are now avialable for purchase. People who register will be able to pick up their swag gift at Open House.

Early Release Mondays

As a reminder, FCPS elementary schools will have limited early release Mondays during the upcoming school year. The goal is to provide elementary teachers with additional time to meet new professional development requirements for the Virginia Literacy Act.

You can help us with planning for the seven early release Mondays. Your response will help us in planning activities for students who will need to stay at school until regular dismissal time.

We realize there are many details for us to finalize before our first early release Monday in mid-September. Thank you for your patience, we strive to create a positive and successful experience for students, families, and teachers. 

Early release Mondays for our school include:

  • September 23
  • October 28
  • November 25
  • February 24
  • March 17
  • April 28
  • May 19

To help plan for our school’s child care needs during the early release Mondays, please complete this form:  for each of your children who are enrolled at Lees Corner Elementary. The form covers the first two early release Mondays, scheduled for September 23, 2024 and October 28, 2024. If you have multiple children, you will need to submit multiple forms. Staff will confirm the after school supervision plan for each student.  This form will also be sent to your email address we have on file.  If at all possible, please complete the form(s) by Monday, August 19, 2024.  

Learn more about Early-Release Mondays.

Greetings from the Health Room

Welcome back to another exciting school year at Lees Corner Elementary! The Fairfax County Health Department (FCHD) and Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) partner to offer each student access to a Health Room. Our goal is to ensure a safe and healthy school environment for all students throughout the school year. To help us achieve our goal, please take a moment to review the following information. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the health room at 703-227-3510.

Spirit Wear!

This year the PTA is offering t-shirts, sweatshirts, pajama pants, sweatpants and shorts to display our LCES pride!  The active link to the ordering site is:

Please see this flyer for more information. 

Parental Consent Forms

Please review and complete the required Digital Resource Consent Form, and any other required and optional forms, for each of your children by logging into the Parent Digital Consent System (PDC). 

Teachers will use a variety of digital resources to support student learning and promote communication and collaboration with students and families. Some of the digital resources your child may use this year will require your consent before they can be used. View Fairfax County Public Schools' list of Elementary Digital Resources to learn more.

Families can log into the Parent Digital Consent System (PDC) using their ParentVue credentials.

Need Help?  View Digital Consent Parent Directions.

Forms available include:

School Counseling Opt-out

Digital Resources Consent 

SEL Screener Opt-Out

Family Life Education Opt-out

SOL Retest Permission

Objection to Release of Directory Information to the Public

Objection to Release of Information to Outside Organizations

Free and Reduced-Price Meal Applications for School Year 24-25

Families must submit an application and be approved to be eligible for free and reduced-price meals.

Interested families are encouraged to submit the Free and Reduced-Price Meal application linked here prior to the start of school on August 19th.

La Solicitud de Comidas Gratuitas y a Precio Rebajado Aplique en Linea

Students approved for Free and Reduced-Price Meals may qualify for additional benefits such as waived or reduced fees for instruments, uniforms, field trips, FCPS class fees, and Parktakes classes. Schools also benefit from funding opportunities based on Free and Reduced-Price Meal application numbers. 

Learn more about the Free and Reduced-Price Meal program online. If you have questions or need assistance with the Free and Reduced-Price Meals application, please contact the office at 703-322-3100.

Student Online Verification/Update (OVU)

The 2024-25 Online Verification/Update (OVU) packet is available in ParentVUE. The OVU packet allows the enrolling parent to electronically update phone numbers, emergency contacts, health conditions, and new immunizations dates for their students via ParentVUE. For detailed information on how to use the OVU system, please click here. Every family will need to verify that their information is correct by September 3rd.

Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on X @Lees_Corner_ES to see posts with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

LCES Updates 8/9/24 This Week's Updates

GovDelivery2 months ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

Welcome Back!

Dear Lees Corner Community, 

We are thrilled to welcome you back to another exciting school year! As we embark on another school year, we are excited to introduce our theme for the 2024-2025 school year: Building Excellence, Shaping the Future.

This theme captures our shared commitment to creating an exceptional learning environment where every student reaches their full potential.

As you know, our school is undergoing a significant renovation project to enhance our school facility. This website contains the plans for Lees Corner’s renovation and is updated when new information is available. While this project is an exciting step forward, we understand that it will require patience, flexibility, and adaptability from everyone involved. While we had planned to transition grades 4-6 to the Modular units to start the year, the transition has been delayed.  

All students and staff will begin the school year inside the school building classrooms. This will require some adjustments for our staff, as many will be transitioning to modular units or other classroom spaces by November 2024. We appreciate your understanding and support as we navigate this process. 

We are committed to providing a seamless and enriching learning experience for all students, and look forward to a fantastic year filled with growth, learning, and achievement. Welcome back!

VaRonica Sloan, Principal

Jennifer Hutchinson, Assistant Principal

2024-2025 PTA Meetings/Survey

LCES PTA Meetings have been virtual since the Covid-19 Pandemic began. The community has returned to a sense of normalcy post pandemic and the PTA has seen an increase in families requesting in-person PTA meetings in an effort to strengthen a sense of community. 

Conversely, many families have also expressed that they enjoy the ease of being able to attend meetings virtually with busy work schedules, activities, and bedtimes for younger children. 

In order to get a clearer picture of what the community wants, we invite you to take a survey so that we can do what’s best for all. 

Virtual Meetings would be held at 7pm.

In-Person + Interactive Streaming meetings would be held at 6pm and streamed on Zoom so that virtual attendees can still ask questions, add comments, and vote when necessary. 


Fill out in Google Forms

PTA Memberships Available for Purchase

PTA memberships are now avialable for purchase. People who register will be able to pick up their swag gift at Open House.

Early Release Mondays

As you may have heard, the Virginia Literacy Act requires Elementary Teachers (classroom, special education, and ESOL) to complete approximately 27 hours of training focused on the Science of Reading and evidence-based literacy during the 2024-2025 school year.

As a result, Fairfax County Public Schools has planned seven early release Mondays starting in September. Please note the dates and times for your calendars listed below. 

Lees Corner will dismiss at 12:35 PM on the following days:

  • September 23
  • October 28
  • November 25
  • February 24
  • March 17
  • April 28
  • May 19

Lees Corner will send a parent survey next week with more information. Please visit FCPS' webpage  for detailed information about early release Mondays

Parental Consent Forms

Please review and complete the required Digital Resource Consent Form, and any other required and optional forms, for each of your children by logging into the Parent Digital Consent System (PDC). 

Teachers will use a variety of digital resources to support student learning and promote communication and collaboration with students and families. Some of the digital resources your child may use this year will require your consent before they can be used. View Fairfax County Public Schools' list of Elementary Digital Resources to learn more.

Families can log into the Parent Digital Consent System (PDC) using their ParentVue credentials.

Need Help?  View Digital Consent Parent Directions.

Forms available include:

School Counseling Opt-out

Digital Resources Consent 

SEL Screener Opt-Out

Family Life Education Opt-out

SOL Retest Permission

Objection to Release of Directory Information to the Public

Objection to Release of Information to Outside Organizations

Free and Reduced-Price Meal Applications for School Year 24-25

Families must submit an application and be approved to be eligible for free and reduced-price meals.

Interested families are encouraged to submit the Free and Reduced-Price Meal application linked here prior to the start of school on August 19th.

La Solicitud de Comidas Gratuitas y a Precio Rebajado Aplique en Linea

Students approved for Free and Reduced-Price Meals may qualify for additional benefits such as waived or reduced fees for instruments, uniforms, field trips, FCPS class fees, and Parktakes classes. Schools also benefit from funding opportunities based on Free and Reduced-Price Meal application numbers. 

Learn more about the Free and Reduced-Price Meal program online. If you have questions or need assistance with the Free and Reduced-Price Meals application, please contact the office at 703-322-3100.

Student Online Verification/Update (OVU)

The 2024-25 Online Verification/Update (OVU) packet is available in ParentVUE. The OVU packet allows the enrolling parent to electronically update phone numbers, emergency contacts, health conditions, and new immunizations dates for their students via ParentVUE. For detailed information on how to use the OVU system, please click here. Every family will need to verify that their information is correct by September 3rd.

Back-to-School Immunization Clinics

The Fairfax County Health Department is offering immunization clinics by appointment only. These are open to all Fairfax County Students. Call 703-246-7100 to make an appointment. Click for the full list of times and locations.

Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on X @Lees_Corner_ES to see posts with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

Student Monitor Needed at Lees Corner

GovDelivery2 months ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

Student Monitor Needed at Lees Corner Hourly, $17.88 per Hour

Description: Provides supervision of students throughout the school day to include but not limited to the classroom, hallways, lunch, recess, specials and at arrival/dismissal; helps maintain order and discipline and assists in managing the behavior of students; operates technology; performs administrative and noninstructional duties; ensures all layered prevention/safety protocols and procedures are implemented and followed; works with individual and small groups of students.

Qualifications: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school. Must be comfortable managing student behaviors in large and small groups, ensuring all layered prevention/safety protocols and procedures are implemented and followed; and has general familiarity/skills with basic office technology in support of teachers, students, and the classroom.

To Apply:  Please email your resume to Jennifer Hutchinson, assistant principal, [email protected]

Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on X @Lees_Corner_ES to see posts with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

LCES Summer Edition #2

GovDelivery2 months 1 week ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

Early Release Mondays

As you may have heard, the Virginia Literacy Act requires Elementary Teachers (classroom, special education, and ESOL) to complete approximately 27 hours of training focused on the Science of Reading and evidence-based literacy during the 2024-2025 school year.

As a result, Fairfax County Public Schools has planned seven early release Mondays starting in September. Please note the dates and times for your calendars listed below. 

Lees Corner will dismiss at 12:35 PM on the following days:

  • September 23
  • October 28
  • November 25
  • February 24
  • March 17
  • April 28
  • May 19

Please visit FCPS' webpage  for detailed information about early release Mondays

Parental Consent Forms

Please review and complete the required Digital Resource Consent Form, and any other required and optional forms, for each of your children by logging into the Parent Digital Consent System (PDC). 

Teachers will use a variety of digital resources to support student learning and promote communication and collaboration with students and families. Some of the digital resources your child may use this year will require your consent before they can be used. View Fairfax County Public Schools' list of Elementary Digital Resources to learn more.

Families can log into the Parent Digital Consent System (PDC) using their ParentVue credentials.

Need Help?  View Digital Consent Parent Directions.

Forms available include:

School Counseling Opt-out

Digital Resources Consent 

SEL Screener Opt-Out

Family Life Education Opt-out

SOL Retest Permission

Objection to Release of Directory Information to the Public

Objection to Release of Information to Outside Organizations

Free and Reduced-Price Meal Applications for School Year 24-25

Families must submit an application and be approved to be eligible for free and reduced-price meals.

Interested families are encouraged to submit the Free and Reduced-Price Meal application linked here prior to the start of school on August 19th.

La Solicitud de Comidas Gratuitas y a Precio Rebajado Aplique en Linea

Students approved for Free and Reduced-Price Meals may qualify for additional benefits such as waived or reduced fees for instruments, uniforms, field trips, FCPS class fees, and Parktakes classes. Schools also benefit from funding opportunities based on Free and Reduced-Price Meal application numbers. 

Learn more about the Free and Reduced-Price Meal program online. If you have questions or need assistance with the Free and Reduced-Price Meals application, please contact the office at 703-322-3100.

Student Online Verification/Update (OVU)

The 2024-25 Online Verification/Update (OVU) packet is available in ParentVUE. The OVU packet allows the enrolling parent to electronically update phone numbers, emergency contacts, health conditions, and new immunizations dates for their students via ParentVUE. For detailed information on how to use the OVU system, please click here. Every family will need to verify that their information is correct by September 3rd.

Back-to-School Immunization Clinics

The Fairfax County Health Department is offering immunization clinics by appointment only. These are open to all Fairfax County Students. Call 703-246-7100 to make an appointment. Click for the full list of times and locations.

Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on X @Lees_Corner_ES to see posts with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

LCES Summer Edition

GovDelivery2 months 1 week ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

Early Release Mondays

As you may have heard, the Virginia Literacy Act requires Elementary Teachers (classroom, special education, and ESOL) to complete approximately 27 hours of training focused on the Science of Reading and evidence-based literacy during the 2024-2025 school year.

As a result, Fairfax County Public Schools has planned seven early release Mondays starting in September. Please note the dates and times for your calendars listed below. 

Lees Corner will dismiss at 12:35 PM on the following days:

  • September 23
  • October 28
  • November 25
  • February 24
  • March 17
  • April 28
  • May 19

Please visit FCPS' webpage  for detailed information about early release Mondays

Free and Reduced-Price Meal Applications for School Year 24-25

Families must submit an application and be approved to be eligible for free and reduced-price meals.

Interested families are encouraged to submit the Free and Reduced-Price Meal application linked here prior to the start of school on August 19th.

La Solicitud de Comidas Gratuitas y a Precio Rebajado Aplique en Linea

Students approved for Free and Reduced-Price Meals may qualify for additional benefits such as waived or reduced fees for instruments, uniforms, field trips, FCPS class fees, and Parktakes classes. Schools also benefit from funding opportunities based on Free and Reduced-Price Meal application numbers. 

Learn more about the Free and Reduced-Price Meal program online. If you have questions or need assistance with the Free and Reduced-Price Meals application, please contact the office at 703-322-3100.

Stay Connected to LCES

Follow us on X @Lees_Corner_ES to see posts with information and resources.

Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group. 

13500 Hollinger Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22033  |  Main Phone: 703.227.3500  Attendance: 703.227.3535 or [email protected] | Web | Twitter

42 minutes 11 seconds ago
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